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How do you become a teacher if you already have a degree?

By Zippia Team - Nov. 17, 2021

To become a teacher if you already have a degree in another field, a person should enroll in the alternative teacher certification program. The alternative certification is typically used to recruit talented individuals in all subjects who have a passion for teaching but do not have backgrounds in education.

Alternative routes to teaching are available in the majority of states and offer people who have not completed coursework in education the opportunity to meet teacher standards and become educators licensed to teach in public schools.

In most states, candidates for alternative routes should have a degree in the major of the academic subject they would like to teach. This education allows individuals to accelerate their transition to the classroom, as teacher preparation programs for these candidates can be completed in as little as one to two years.

After completing an alternative teaching certification program, a person must pass their state's teacher certification and licensing exams. The Praxis tests are the most widely adopted teacher certification exams, though some states, including California and Texas, have developed different qualifying exams.

How do you become a teacher if you already have a degree?

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