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How much do HR benefit specialists make?

By Zippia Team - Feb. 10, 2022

HR benefits specialists make around $67,000 in a year, on average. This salary can range from $40,000 yearly to over $100,000 per year.

The salary range for HR benefits specialists has a large range due to several factors. These factors include education and certifications, experience level, company size, and industry, as well as location.

For example, the median salary for compensation, benefits, and job analysis specialists is $67,000 in a year across the United States. The same job for a person with the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) designation pays an annual salary of $81,000.

In addition to certifications, people who possess bachelor's or master's degrees will earn more money than those who only have work experience or an associate's degree. This is because people who have gone through a degree program in human resources or other related programs have specialized knowledge to apply to their role.

Finally, the company, industry, and location all influence the salary level for an HR benefits specialist. Benefits specialists who work in the northeast or on the west coast will make more than those who live in the middle of the country.

Additionally, larger companies typically pay HR benefits specialists more due to the responsibilities associated with the role. Industries like technology and finance often pay their HR benefits specialists more due to their increased need to attract top talent with their benefits.

How much do HR benefit specialists make?

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