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What is an educator certification?

By Zippia Team - Nov. 17, 2021

An educator certification is a process by which prospective educators get teacher licensing to teach within a given area. This is achieved after completing all the required coursework, degrees, and exams needed to become a teacher.

A teaching credential is a license conferred by a state agency to teachers who have completed certain state-mandated requirements, such as education courses and student teaching experience, and have passed additional state-mandated teaching examinations.

Each state sets its own requirements for teacher certification, and there is no guarantee that certification in one state will be accepted in another state. However, the Praxis tests are the most widely adopted teacher certification exams, though some states, including California and Texas, have developed different qualifying exams.

Teachers may earn a credential that allows them to teach either a certain subject matter or a specific grade level. The type of teaching credential pursued largely depends on the teacher's interests and experience and is also impacted by the options and requirements set by the state's Department of Education.

What is an educator certification?

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