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This question is about educator salaries.

What is the average educator salary?

By Zippia Team - Nov. 17, 2021

The average educator's salary is around $40,000 a year. However, this can vary significantly depending on the state, level of teaching, experience, union participation, and a variety of other factors.

There is a significant difference in the way public and private schools are funded, and this difference directly affects how much teachers are paid at those institutions. Because private schools lack government funding, teachers at these institutions are typically less than public school teachers.

As is true in any career, a teacher's salary will increase as they gain experience and move up from entry-level status. If a person remains in the profession long enough, they should see significant salary increases from entry-level to mid-level to late-career salary.

While many teachers' salaries look good on paper, it is also important to consider the expectations of a specific role. Many teacher jobs come with a significant amount of work outside of school hours. This includes planning lessons, prepping classrooms, and purchasing supplies with their own money.

What is the average educator salary?

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