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This question is about senior operations manager and operations program manager.

What is the career path for an operations manager?

By Zippia Team - Nov. 10, 2021

The career path for an operations manager typically starts with gaining direct experience in both business and operations areas. Generally, a person will start by gaining a bachelor's degree in business or another relevant degree.

To become an operations manager, a person needs both a degree and direct on-the-job experience, and they should exhibit leadership skills and an ability to think about the wider picture of business goals.

An operations manager needs to have holistic business skills, often obtained through an operations management course, as well as knowledge of multiple departments in various functions, ensuring that each part seamlessly works together to produce a productive and profitable machine.

Once a person becomes an operations manager, they have several career moves they can make. They can continue to become a senior operations manager, director of operations, and even COO. Or they can pivot and transition to process managers or purchasing managers.

What is the career path for an operations manager?

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