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Average Burr & Forman salary in Birmingham, AL


$18.95 hourly rate

Entry-level Burr & Forman salary in Birmingham
$21,000 yearly
Updated April 5, 2024

How much does Burr & Forman pay in Birmingham, AL?

The average Burr & Forman salary in Birmingham, AL is $39,416. Burr & Forman salaries range between $21,000 to $72,000 per year in Birmingham. Burr & Forman Birmingham based pay is higher than Burr & Forman's United States average salary of $47,132. The best-paying job in Birmingham at Burr & Forman is chief information officer, which pays an average of $144,884 annually.

Burr & Forman employees in Birmingham make $3,416 more than the average salary in Birmingham, $36,000.

Burr & Forman salaries in Birmingham, AL by job title

Burr & Forman’s highest-paying job in Birmingham, AL is chief information officer, with an average salary of $144,884. The second highest is litigation associate, which pays $96,712 annually in Birmingham, AL.

Highest paying jobs at Burr & Forman in Birmingham, AL

RankJob TitleAvarage Burr & Forman SalaryHourly Pay
1Chief Information Officer$144,884$70
2Litigation Associate$96,712$47
4Staff Attorney$71,656$34
5Support Manager$71,456$34
6Systems Administrator$66,538$32
7Associate Attorney$66,447$32
8Technical Support Specialist$50,910$24
9Staff Accountant$46,180$22
10Litigation Paralegal$43,852$21

Burr & Forman salaries in Birmingham, AL by department

The departments with the highest salaries for Burr & Forman employees in Birmingham are IT, Legal, and Customer Service.

Birmingham Burr & Forman employees in the IT department earn an average salary of $74,411 a year, compared to an average salary of $45,717 in the Legal department and $44,314 in the Customer Service department.

Highest-paying departments at Burr & Forman in Birmingham, AL

RankDepartmentAvarage Burr & Forman SalaryHourly Pay
3Customer Service$44,314$21
7Human Resources$31,075$15

Burr & Forman’s competitor’s salaries in Birmingham, AL

The highest paying Burr & Forman competitor in Birmingham, AL is Stites & Harbison. The average salary at Stites & Harbison in Birmingham, AL is $144,884. The lowest paying Burr & Forman competitor in Birmingham, AL is Bowman and Brooke.

Highest-paying Burr & Forman competitors in Birmingham, AL

RankCompany NameAvarage Pay in Birmingham, ALHourly Pay
1Stites & Harbison$90,360$43
2Allen Matkins$78,086$38
3Steptoe & Johnson$67,597$33
5Chamberlain Hrdlicka$58,968$28
6Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani$56,822$27
7Baker Donelson$49,596$24
8Cabaniss, Johnston, Gardner, Dumas & O'Neal LLP$48,390$23
9Patterson Buchanan$47,001$23
10Bowman and Brooke$46,946$23

Recently added Burr & Forman salaries in Birmingham, AL

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Recruiting InternshipBirmingham, AL03/03/2024$31,305

Frequently asked questions about Burr & Forman pay in Birmingham, AL

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