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Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center overview

Health Care
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Patients and families from across the region and around the world come to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center because we are dedicated to improving child health. Other medical providers often turn to us when a child needs a complex surgical procedure or treatment for a rare pediatric disease. We discover new and better ways to treat the conditions that affect children, maintaining our status as one of the world's foremost centers for pediatric care.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is a well-established organization. It was founded way back in 1883. This time-proven organization loves to hire graduates from University of Cincinnati, with 40.2% of its employees having attended University of Cincinnati. Want to explore some other great places to work in Cincinnati, OH? You can check out our full list of Best Companies to Work For in Cincinnati, OH.The average employee at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center makes $53,879 per year. In comparison, some of its highest paying competitors, like Roswell Park, Miller Children's Hospital, and Mercy Health Anderson Hospital, pay $65,181, $64,337, and $63,638, respectively.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is an industry leader with 13,730 employees and an annual revenue of $2.0B that is headquartered in Cincinnati, OH.

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center's Mission Statement

Cincinnati children's will improve child health and transform delivery of care through fully integrated, globally recognized research, education and innovation. For patients from our community, the nation and the world, the care we provide will achieve the best: Medical and quality-of-life outcomes.


Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center employee reviews

Based on 5 ratings

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Job openings at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
268 Positions
Average salary at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
$53,879 yearly

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Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center employee reviews

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center employee reviews

Based On 5 Ratings

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Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Apr 2023
Pros of working at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Coworkers always had each others back at the psych hospital in college hill

Cons of working at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

pay was low management did not have employees back no room for growth at the college hill location benefits were poor

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Benefits

working with the children who did not have support outside the hospital

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A zippia user wrote a review on Jan 2021
Pros of working at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

the culture of the environment

Cons of working at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

shortcuts taken to save money with my unit

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Benefits

renowned institution; great healthcare benefits

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The team at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

  • The key people at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is Steve Davis.
Key People
Steve Davis
The Inside Scoop
Established in 1883, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is one of the oldest and most distinguished pediatric hospitals in the United States. This nonprofit academic medical center offers comprehensive clinical services, from treatments for rare and complex conditions to well-child care. With more than 600 registered beds, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center had more than 1. 3 million patient encounters and served patients from all 50 states and 58 countries, including 589 international patients, in fiscal 2017.

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Rankings

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is ranked #100 on the Best Companies to Work For in Ohio list. Zippia's Best Places to Work lists provide unbiased, data-based evaluations of companies. Rankings are based on government and proprietary data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity.

Read more about how we rank companies.

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center salaries

The average a Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center salary in the United States is $53,879 per year. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center employees in the top 10 percent can make over $99,000 per year, while Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center employees at the bottom 10 percent earn less than $29,000 per year.
Average Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Salary
$25.90 hourly
Updated March 14, 2024

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Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center diversity

Diversity Score
We calculated Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center’s diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center’s workforce.

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Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Office Locations

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is headquartered in Cincinnati, OH

Biggest Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Locations

RankCityJob CountAvg. Salary
1Cincinnati, OH403$48,823
2Louisville, KY3$49,043

Videos About Working At Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Financial Performance

Performance Score

Highest paying Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center competitors

Compare Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center salaries to competitors, including Roswell Park, Miller Children's Hospital, and Mercy Health Anderson Hospital. Employees at Roswell Park earn the highest average yearly salary of $65,181. The salaries at Miller Children's Hospital average $64,337 per year, and the salaries at Mercy Health Anderson Hospital come in at $63,638 per year.

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and its employees or that of Zippia.

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center may also be known as or be related to Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati Children’s and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.