Dental Assistant/Receptionist demographics and statistics in the US
Dental assistant/receptionist demographics research summary. Zippia estimates dental assistant/receptionist demographics and statistics in the United States by using a database of 30 million profiles. Our dental assistant/receptionist estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. Zippia's data science team found the following key facts about dental assistant/receptionists after extensive research and analysis:
- There are over 316,554 dental assistant/receptionists currently employed in the United States.
- 93.3% of all dental assistant/receptionists are women, while 6.7% are men.
- The average dental assistant/receptionist age is 37 years old.
- The most common ethnicity of dental assistant/receptionists is White (52.3%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (24.8%), Asian (8.8%) and Black or African American (8.2%).
- Dental assistant/receptionists are most in-demand in San Antonio, TX.
- The health care industry is the highest-paying for dental assistant/receptionists.
- Minneapolis, MN pays an annual average wage of $48,646, the highest in the US.
- In 2022, women dental assistant/receptionists earned 94% of what men earned.
- 4% of all dental assistant/receptionists are LGBT.
- Massachusetts is the best state for dental assistant/receptionists to live.
- Dental assistant/receptionists are 86% more likely to work at private companies in comparison to education companies.
Dental Assistant/Receptionist gender statistics
- Female, 93.3%
- Male, 6.7%
Dental Assistant/Receptionist gender ratio
Gender | Percentages |
Female | 93.3% |
Male | 6.7% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist gender pay gap
Women earn 94¢ for every $1 earned by men
Dental Assistant/Receptionist gender ratio over time
Dental Assistant/Receptionist gender ratio by year
Year | Male | Female |
2010 | 3.48% | 96.52% |
2011 | 4.02% | 95.98% |
2012 | 4.22% | 95.78% |
2013 | 3.97% | 96.03% |
2014 | 4.75% | 95.25% |
2015 | 5.06% | 94.94% |
2016 | 4.04% | 95.96% |
2017 | 5.24% | 94.76% |
2018 | 4.95% | 95.05% |
2019 | 5.43% | 94.57% |
2020 | 4.71% | 95.29% |
2021 | 6.67% | 93.33% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist related jobs gender ratio
We compared dental assistant/receptionists with similar job titles to see how gender ratios vary. As you can see, delivery technician and donations attendant have the biggest gender ratio gaps.
Job Title | Male | Female |
Pathology Transcriptionist | 3% | 97% |
Radiology Transcriptionist | 5% | 95% |
Certified Registered Dental Assistant | 5% | 95% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist | 7% | 93% |
Dental Officer | 79% | 21% |
Donations Attendant | 81% | 19% |
Delivery Technician | 88% | 12% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist demographics by race
- White, 52.3%
- Hispanic or Latino, 24.8%
- Asian, 8.8%
- Black or African American, 8.2%
- Unknown, 5.1%
- American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.8%
Dental Assistant/Receptionist Race
Dental Assistant/Receptionist Race | Percentages |
White | 52.3% |
Hispanic or Latino | 24.8% |
Asian | 8.8% |
Black or African American | 8.2% |
Unknown | 5.1% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 0.8% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist race and ethnicity over time
See how dental assistant/receptionist racial and ethnic diversity trended since 2010 according to the United States Census Bureau data.
- White
- Asian
- Hispanic or Latino
- Black or African American
Dental Assistant/Receptionist race and ethnicity by year
Year | White | Black or African American | Asian | Hispanic or Latino |
2010 | 62.22% | 9.16% | 6.38% | 19.44% |
2011 | 59.27% | 9.23% | 6.12% | 21.71% |
2012 | 57.50% | 10.18% | 6.88% | 22.21% |
2013 | 59.63% | 9.39% | 7.18% | 20.43% |
2014 | 58.96% | 9.20% | 7.18% | 21.59% |
2015 | 58.89% | 8.96% | 6.26% | 22.34% |
2016 | 58.40% | 8.28% | 7.21% | 22.50% |
2017 | 56.31% | 8.83% | 7.69% | 24.09% |
2018 | 57.36% | 9.13% | 7.13% | 22.69% |
2019 | 55.21% | 7.30% | 8.54% | 24.96% |
2020 | 53.87% | 8.65% | 7.56% | 24.11% |
2021 | 52.25% | 8.22% | 8.82% | 24.85% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist wage gap by race
Ethnicity | Salary |
Unknown | $42,202 |
White | $42,369 |
Black or African American | $41,369 |
Asian | $42,258 |
Hispanic or Latino | $41,139 |
Average dental assistant/receptionist age
Dental Assistant/Receptionist age by race and gender
Race | Male Age | Female Age |
Black or African American | 38.5 | 37.5 |
Unknown | 37 | |
Asian | 35 | 39 |
Hispanic or Latino | 27 | 33 |
White | 31 | 38 |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 38 |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist age breakdown
Dental Assistant/Receptionist age breakdown
Dental Assistant/Receptionist Years | Percentages |
40+ years | 42% |
30-40 years | 27% |
20-30 years | 29% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist educational attainment
- Associate, 25%
- Bachelor's, 22%
- High School Diploma, 21%
- Diploma, 13%
- Other Degrees, 19%
Dental Assistant/Receptionists by degree level
Dental Assistant/Receptionist Degree | Percentages |
Associate | 25% |
Bachelor's | 22% |
High School Diploma | 21% |
Diploma | 13% |
Other Degrees | 19% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist Jobs You Might Like
Dental Assistant/Receptionist wage gap by degree level
Education | Salary |
High School Diploma or Less | $40,214 |
Bachelor's Degree | $42,293 |
Some College/ Associate Degree | $42,060 |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist employment statistics
Company size where dental assistant/receptionists work
Dental Assistant/Receptionist jobs by employer size
Company Size | Percentages |
< 50 employees | 10% |
50 - 100 employees | 29% |
100 - 500 employees | 27% |
500 - 1,000 employees | 10% |
1,000 - 10,000 employees | 20% |
> 10,000 employees | 4% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist jobs by company type
Dental Assistant/Receptionist jobs by sector
Company Type | Percentages |
Education | 5% |
Public | 4% |
Private | 86% |
Government | 5% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist jobs by industry
The most common industries for dental assistant/receptionists are health care, professional and manufacturing.
Dental Assistant/Receptionist industry statistics
Industry | Percentages |
Health Care | 54% |
Professional | 9% |
Manufacturing | 7% |
Retail | 4% |
Government | 4% |
Non Profits | 4% |
Education | 4% |
Finance | 3% |
Technology | 3% |
Real Estate | 2% |
Pharmaceutical | 1% |
Media | 1% |
Start-up | 1% |
Insurance | 1% |
Fortune 500 | 1% |
Hospitality | 1% |
Energy | 1% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist turnover and employment statistics
Dental Assistant/Receptionist unemployment rate over time
- Unemployment rate
Dental Assistant/Receptionist unemployment rate by year
Year | Dental Assistant/Receptionist Unemployment Rate |
2010 | 6.40% |
2011 | 6.02% |
2012 | 6.48% |
2013 | 4.50% |
2014 | 3.59% |
2015 | 3.37% |
2016 | 2.86% |
2017 | 2.92% |
2018 | 2.56% |
2019 | 2.55% |
2020 | 4.23% |
2021 | 4.10% |
Average dental assistant/receptionist tenure
Dental Assistant/Receptionist tenure statistics
Number of years | Percentages |
Less than 1 year | 20% |
1-2 years | 33% |
3-4 years | 16% |
5-7 years | 16% |
8-10 years | 5% |
11+ years | 10% |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist LGBT ratio compared to similar jobs
Job Title | LGBT | Job Openings |
Dental Assistant/Receptionist | 4.40% | - |
Medical Field Representative | 5.81% | 118,912 |
Phlebotomy Program Coordinator | 7.76% | 75,445 |
Pathology Transcriptionist | 8.65% | 774 |
Ancillary | 9.41% | 3,569 |
Research Animal Attendant | 9.55% | 92,247 |
Registered Massage Therapist | 13.02% | 31,389 |
Similar dental assistant/receptionist jobs LGBT demographics
Profession | Percentages of LGBT | Job Openings |
Medical Field Representative | 5.81% | 118,912 |
Phlebotomy Program Coordinator | 7.76% | 75,445 |
Pathology Transcriptionist | 8.65% | 774 |
Ancillary | 9.41% | 3,569 |
Research Animal Attendant | 9.55% | 92,247 |
Registered Massage Therapist | 13.02% | 31,389 |
Foreign languages spoken by dental assistant/receptionists
- Spanish, 66.3%
- Polish, 4.4%
- French, 2.9%
- Vietnamese, 2.6%
- Portuguese, 2.5%
- Other, 21.3%
Dental Assistant/Receptionist languages spoken
Foreign Language | Percentages |
Spanish | 66.3% |
Polish | 4.4% |
French | 2.9% |
Vietnamese | 2.6% |
Portuguese | 2.5% |
Other | 21.3% |