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Evolver Reviews

Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Jun 2020
Pros of working at Evolver

Being a military retiree, I enjoyed working on a military installation. My job as a Test Administrator assistant enabled me to learn various aspects of the job, including proctoring examinations in the absence of the Test Control Officer. When the contract was awarded to INDTAI INC, I returned to become a Multi-Learning Facility Coordinator in 2016, and was able to use those skills from the previous position to assist in various areas of the education center.

Cons of working at Evolver

The distance to get to work in very grueling traffic

Evolver Benefits

Meeting new people

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Zippia waving zebra
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Evolver Salaries

Salary Score
The national average salary for an Evolver employee in the United States is $73,704 per year or $35 per hour. Employees in the top 10 percent can make over $123,000 per year, while employees at the bottom 10 percent earn less than $44,000 per year.

Evolver Demographics Summary

Diversity Score
We calculated the diversity score of companies by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of their workforce

Evolver Financial Performance

Performance Score
We calculated the performance score of companies by measuring multiple factors, including revenue, longevity, and stock market performance.

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