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Average Salary In French Valley, CA

$49,000 yearly

$23.56 hourly
Updated September 14, 2023

Average Salary in French Valley, CA

PercentileAnnual SalaryMonthly SalaryHourly Rate
90th Percentile$94,000$7,833$45
75th Percentile$69,000$5,750$33
25th Percentile$34,000$2,833$16
10th Percentile$25,000$2,083$12

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What Is The Average Salary In French Valley, CA?

Highest Paying Cities In California

CityAvg. SalaryHourly RateJob Opening
Irvine, CA$84,000$39.779,983
San Francisco, CA$79,000$37.4133,998
Fremont, CA$76,000$35.984,263
Huntington Beach, CA$75,000$35.511,558
San Jose, CA$70,000$33.1416,780
Oakland, CA$67,000$31.726,743
San Diego, CA$55,000$26.0429,272
Glendale, CA$55,000$26.042,364
Long Beach, CA$53,000$25.095,513
Sacramento, CA$52,000$24.6217,735

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What Am I Worth?


2021 Hourly Minimum Wage in French Valley, CA

Minimum Wage


French Valley, CA minimum wage rate is $13.0 per hour. This is greater than the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25. You are entitled to be paid the higher state minimum wage.

California Minimum Wage History

YearMin Wage In California

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