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General Manager Interview Questions

When hiring general managers, employers look for individuals who demonstrate the leadership and problem-solving skills needed to guide their businesses towards success.

In this article, we’ll discuss common general manager interview questions that you need to prepare for, as well as sample answers that are sure to impress.

Key Takeaways:
  • As a candidate, your interviewer will assess your leadership skills, and want to know if you have strong analytical skills and business experience.

  • As an interviewer, look for candidates who have a commanding and charismatic personality, as well as management experience to back it up.

How to Prepare for a General Manager Interview

All of the possible Interview questions for General Manager might seem overwhelming at first, but there are some effective steps you can take to prepare:

As a Candidate:
  • Compose specific examples of times when you showed exceptional leadership, especially in high-stress situations.

  • Research the company beforehand with the intention of understanding its specific managerial needs.

  • Even if you lack management experience, showcase the experience you have in your field that gives you a deeper understanding than most.

As an Interviewer
  • Review the job description and use it to construct your ideal candidate, but do not overlook inexperienced candidates with excellent leadership skills.

  • Ensure your candidates are aware of the responsibilities they would have as a manager.

  • Provide your prospective truck drivers with an accurate hiring process timeline.

General Manager Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What do you believe is the most important trait for an effective manager to have? You can give many different excellent answers, each indicating something different about your style of management.

    A few essential management traits include:

    Example Answer:

    It's crucial for managers to understand how to build effective teams.

    By leading your employees in the right direction, motivating them, and developing their skills, you can create a team that can tackle any challenge.

  2. What have your employees learned from you in the past? Hiring managers ask this question to learn the following about you:

    • Positive traits and skills

    • Ability to develop and influence team members

    • Self-awareness

    Your answer should demonstrate all three of these points as well as convey a pinch of modesty.

    Example Answer:

    I've been told by many of my past employees that I motivated them to succeed and that my positive spirit helped them stay focused even during difficult periods.

    I also strive to tackle all challenges head-on and stay diligent in more work in order to set a positive example for my team.

  3. How do you handle underperforming team members? Using discretion to know whether to train, speak with, or fire an employee is a tricky part of being an effective manager.

    As a general manager, it's essential to know how to discuss tough topics with your employees and exercise discretion regarding whether you need to train them further or replace them.

    Demonstrate these abilities to the hiring manager with a real-life example, ideally using the STAR method to format your answer.

    Example Answer:

    At my previous general manager position at Chipotle, I hired a worker who immediately started underperforming, even relative to other new hires.

    As they were a new employee, I decided the best course of action was to develop them into a better worker rather than replace them.

    I immediately scheduled a meeting with the worker to discuss the issue face-to-face.

    I used my communication and listening skills to identify their main challenges and weaknesses, and then offered an improvement plan for the future.

    By monitoring their progress and providing continuous guidance, I was able to improve the employee's performance until they were among the most productive members on the team.

  4. How do you reward exceptional performance in your employees? It's important to know how to properly reward your employees and motivate high productivity.

    Example Answer:

    When it comes to individual employees, I praise high performers in front of their coworkers. This not only motivates them to continue working hard, but also sets an example for the team.

    To motivate my entire team, I like to offer incentives such as bonuses and vacation time.

  5. What metrics do you pay the most attention to when conducting employee performance reviews? Performance reviews are an extremely useful tool in the management toolbox for improving your employees and team as a whole.

    Example Answer:

    I first focus on quantifiable performance metrics such as raw productivity and work quality.

    I also make sure to review and offer advice when it comes to my employees' work ethic, enthusiasm, and collaboration skills.

  6. What are your techniques for fostering a positive workplace culture? There are a variety of different answers and techniques you provide. However, make sure that your answer emphasizes the importance of a positive work environment.

    Example Answer:

    The most important thing is to let all employees know that mistakes are expected and totally fine to make, as long as we learn from them.

    I always let my employees know that I never penalize mistakes, as long as they're learning from them and improving.

    This creates a culture where employees feel open to experimenting and expressing their ideas.

  7. How do you respond when you receive employee complaints? An important aspect of being a leader is accepting criticism as an opportunity to improve, rather than something you take personally.

    Example Answer:

    I take all employee complaints extremely seriously and use them as opportunities to better myself.

    Not only does this help me develop as a leader, but it serves as a positive example to all my employees on the type of constructive attitude they should adopt.

    I also make sure to implement real changes when I receive criticism. It's ultimately actions that really matter.

  8. What do you enjoy most about being a manager? There isn't any single correct answer to this open-ended question. Passionate leaders make for effective ones, so the hiring manager is just trying to assess your genuine interest in the role.

    Example Answer:

    I love building effective teams and working with people. It's incredibly satisfying to work together to meet ambitious goals and tackle challenging problems.

  9. What leadership positions do you take on outside of work? This question is designed to learn whether leadership is a core component of your personality rather than just a job title.

    Example Answer:

    Outside of work, I'm a tennis coach for senior citizens and a youth leader for my church.

  10. Are there any leaders that inspire you? If so, why? It doesn't matter who you choose as your inspiration. However, make sure to point out their decision-making and leadership skills that you value, as that will reflect on your own values.

    Example Answer:

    I'm a big fan of Ryan Cohen, the founder of Chewy.

    He stuck to his vision even when others doubted his ability to compete against Amazon. His diligence and leadership are traits that I strive to emulate.

  11. Do you have a mentor, and if so, what was the last challenge you sought their advice for? No matter how experienced and intelligent someone is, there's still plenty of room for them to learn and improve.

    There is always room to learn and improve, no matter how skilled you already are.

    Employees ask this question to check if you're self-aware when it comes to your limitations and are aware of this fact.

    Example Answer:

    Yes, I seek the advice of my friend when it comes to technical subjects. I have a pretty strong understanding, but I'm not an expert and am always trying to improve on that front.

  12. How would you best describe your leadership style? The hiring manager isn't looking for any particular management style, as long as you're able to support it with reasoning and examples of your success.

    Example Answer:

    I've always found success with a bottom-up approach where I empower my employees to act creatively and independently.

    At my last general management job at Jenny's Crafts, I made sure to train my employees thoroughly on how to perform their job.

    Beyond that, I was just there to provide guidance and leadership. By not micromanaging my employees, they were more efficient in their work and presented a more positive demeanor to our customers.

  13. What is your process for interviewing and hiring new employees? General managers need to know what to look for in potential employees, as they're often placed in charge of hiring and building effective teams.

    Example Answer:

    I ask a variety of behavioral and situational questions to understand candidates’ character, experiences, and skills.

    The priority is to make sure they possess the basic skills needed to fulfill the job’s duties.

    Beyond that, I look for soft skills such as effective collaboration and communication, as well as a strong work ethic.

  14. Tell me about your method for delegating tasks among employees. You need to demonstrate a variety of leadership skills in your answer, such as your dedication to learning about each of your employees to learn their specialties and your communication skills.

    Example Answer:

    For each particular task, my first step is to use my knowledge of my team to determine which members are best suited to fulfilling them.

    For any given task, I look at my team and decide which employee's skills are best suited. I learn this initial information by communicating with my employees and working closely with them.

    Once I've identified the best employee for the task, I approach them to explain what needs to be done. Before I let them go, I ask them if they understand the task fully in order to clear up any confusion before it turns into any mistakes.

  15. What role do you believe competition serves in the workplace? Unless you're applying to a company that you know has a highly competitive work culture, it's best to give a balanced answer.

    Example Answer:

    A moderate amount of inter-team competition is critical to continuously developing all employees’ skills, which is an overall benefit for any work environment.

    I always try to foster healthy competition among my employees with small bonuses and commendations. This motivates them to work harder and develop their skills.

    On the other hand, managers should try to prevent work environments from being too competitive, or employees may begin to actively hamper the performance of others to serve themselves.

  16. Tell me about a time when you led by example. Leading by example is one of the best ways that general managers can display and encourage positive behaviors in their employees.

    Make sure to use the STAR method to lay out your answer effectively and logically.

    Example Answer:

    When I took on the role of general manager at a local Home Depot, I was told that the previous manager had a difficult time reducing employee misconduct at work.

    I communicated with staff to investigate the reasons for this, and discovered that many employees did not like how the previous manager had treated them.

    I promised my team that I would treat them fairly and followed through on that promise by listening to all of their concerns and being transparent at all times.

    Within a month, employee misconduct dropped to nearly 0%. My team told me that the greatest factor in influencing this change in behavior is in how I led by example and embodied the best practices that I had asked them to follow.

  17. Have you ever mentored an employee or colleague? How did they improve? As a general manager, you need to demonstrate not only proficiency in leading teams, but the ability to build relationships with individual employees and develop them into more productive workers as well.

    Example Answer:

    Yes, I mentored a new employee at a previous general management position who showed leadership potential.

    I taught them how to lead by example, communicate effectively with all types of people, and think critically about problems.

    They took over my role when I left and, from what I've heard, have been an extremely effective and valuable manager for the company.

  18. Why do you want to be a general manager? This question is a great opportunity for you to showcase your passion and experience as a general manager. Talk about why you've excelled at the job in the past, or why you believe you will excel at this new company.

    Example Answer:

    I want to be a general manager because I enjoy coaching my colleagues and providing guidance that helps them reach their goals. Once, I noticed a coworker of mine was having difficulty meeting her sales quota. I offered my assistance and explained the strategies I had used to reach my own goals. She began asking me for advice on other topics related to her job, and before long she was exceeding her quota. She has since become a mentor for other coworkers, helping them to become successful in their roles.

    I find great satisfaction in helping others improve, and I believe this improvement acts as a catalyst for other growth elsewhere. With that in mind, I want to use my experience and knowledge to guide my coworkers and help them reach their full potential.

  19. What is your favorite part about managing others? Typically, this question is meant to give the employer an understanding of your leadership style. Emphasize your communication, empathy, and conflict-resolution skills in a way that showcases your passion for the job.

    Example Answer:

    As a diplomatic and empathetic person, I’ve always found that I thrive when interacting with others. As a result, I believe that being a manager has given me the tools to help everyone on my team live up to their full potential.

    Due to this, I’m always comfortable being fully responsible and accountable for the team, as I know I can lead us to our goals in a positive and productive way. Overall, the balance between supporting my team and leading them is just something I’m passionate about getting right.

  20. Are you a risk-taker? To look out for candidates that take too many risks or can’t explain their decision-making process. This is a red flag for hiring managers, as a risky candidate could jeopardize a store’s stabilization and success.

    Example Answer:

    No. For the most part, I employ a strong and structured decision-making process in the workplace, as I believe that has a much more positive effect on my team.

Additional General Manager Interview Questions for Employers

  1. Tell me about yourself. In the context of being a general manager, you should focus on your professional background in leadership and business positions, as well as any major skills you have and accomplishments you've made.

    Example Answer:

    I have been in leadership roles, including my position as a General Manager at Hex Corp. for over 10 years. This invaluable experience has given me a strong background in management and a proven track record of implementing successful strategies to improve operational efficiency.

    I am an excellent communicator and have a keen eye for detail, which are essential qualities for a successful General Manager. Further, my communication skills have allowed me to develop a strong network of contacts, which allows me to be at the forefront of new solutions.

    Overall, I am a strong leader with a passion for driving the success of the business. I am confident in my ability to develop effective strategies, and I am always looking for ways to improve myself and the employees I manage.

  2. Why should we hire you? The person who has the most comprehensive perspective on their performance as a general manager is the candidate themselves. That’s why an interviewer usually asks them, “Why should we hire you?”.

    When answering, a candidate should outline the aspects of their personality and experience that make them an ideal fit for the role. The hiring manager wants the applicant to sell themselves succinctly when posing this blunt question.

    Example Answer:

    You should hire me because I possess a wealth of experience in the field, as well as a proven track record of success.

    I have managed operations in a variety of different industries, and am well-versed in the complexities of running a successful business. This comes from my strong understanding of the financial and operational topics that are critical to the success of any operation, paired with my highly organized and detail-orientated nature.

    I am also an excellent communicator, which can be seen in my proven ability to motivate and inspire team members, as well as my natural talent to build strong relationships.

  3. Why do you want to work here? A good answer to this question will be specific to the company you're applying for. This is why it's important to research the company before the interview, so you can use that knowledge to explain why you want to work there.

    Example Answer:

    I want to work here because I believe my leadership style is a perfect fit for your team, and my guidance will help you meet sales goals on the floor. Your mission statement of "Innovative products for exceptional customers", speaks to me, in that I believe innovation in management is the first step toward creating an exceptional customer experience.

  4. Where do you see yourself in five years? Companies hiring a general manager want to know that you will be loyal and dedicated to keeping up with the industry. Talk about how you plan to advance your general management career, and how you intend to improve the store or team you'll be managing.

    Example Answer:

    In five years, I see myself as the general manager who pushes positive growth and development. I will have gained even more experience and expertise that will allow me to make informed and beneficial decisions.

    I am also dedicated to staying up to date on the latest trends in my field and strive to stay ahead of the curve. At the end of five years, I am confident that my dedication and hard work will be reflected in the company’s bottom line.

  5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? This question is all about balance and positivity. Start off by talking about your biggest strength. Then, even after you honestly transition to your biggest weakness, ensure that you discuss how you manage and improve that weakness.

    Example Answer:

    My greatest strength is my ability to lead a team. I am passionate about guiding my team toward success and I have a clear vision of what that success looks like. I also understand the importance of setting clear goals and objectives, and I am always looking for ways to motivate and inspire my team to achieve those goals.

    My greatest weakness is that I can be overly critical of myself. I strive for perfection and can become frustrated if I don't feel like I am reaching my goals in an ideal way. I have been working on recognizing my successes and taking time to celebrate my accomplishments, no matter how small. This has helped me to focus on the progress I have made, rather than on any perceived shortcomings.

Additional General Manager Interview Questions for Employers

  • Can you name some improvements you would make as general manager?

  • Do you have experience managing a team with limited resources?

  • Are you prepared to work overtime or during holidays?

  • What do you know about our company?

  • How do you handle personality conflict with coworkers?

  • Have you ever had one of your employees approach you with an innovative idea? How did you respond?

  • Tell me about a time you implemented an out-of-the-box solution. If so, were you successful?

  • Do you have any questions for me?

  • Tell me about a time you tackled a task you’d never done before.

  • What is one of your greatest successes on the job?

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