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Average Hospice of the Western Reserve salary in Willoughby, OH


$23.84 hourly rate

Entry-level Hospice of the Western Reserve salary in Willoughby
$28,000 yearly
Updated April 5, 2024

How much does Hospice of the Western Reserve pay in Willoughby, OH?

The average Hospice of the Western Reserve salary in Willoughby, OH is $49,595. Hospice of the Western Reserve salaries range between $28,000 to $86,000 per year in Willoughby. Hospice of the Western Reserve Willoughby based pay is higher than Hospice of the Western Reserve's United States average salary of $50,336. The best-paying job in Willoughby at Hospice of the Western Reserve is medical director, which pays an average of $175,484 annually.

Hospice of the Western Reserve employees in Willoughby make $3,595 more than the average salary in Willoughby, $46,000.

Hospice of the Western Reserve salaries in Willoughby, OH by job title

Hospice of the Western Reserve’s highest-paying job in Willoughby, OH is medical director, with an average salary of $175,484. The second highest is information systems director, which pays $107,837 annually in Willoughby, OH.

Highest paying jobs at Hospice of the Western Reserve in Willoughby, OH

RankJob TitleAvarage Hospice of the Western Reserve SalaryHourly Pay
1Medical Director$175,484$84
2Information Systems Director$107,837$52
3Nurse Practitioner$103,227$50
4Manager, Provider Relations$96,951$47
5Chief Marketing Officer$95,676$46
6Development Associate$92,835$45
7Senior System Administrator$92,006$44
8Registered Nurse Supervisor$91,584$44
9Systems Administrator$91,528$44
10Registered Nurse$86,491$42

Hospice of the Western Reserve salaries in Willoughby, OH by department

The departments with the highest salaries for Hospice of the Western Reserve employees in Willoughby are Marketing, Customer Service, and Non Profit/Government.

Willoughby Hospice of the Western Reserve employees in the Marketing department earn an average salary of $71,546 a year, compared to an average salary of $65,369 in the Customer Service department and $58,203 in the Non Profit/Government department.

Highest-paying departments at Hospice of the Western Reserve in Willoughby, OH

RankDepartmentAvarage Hospice of the Western Reserve SalaryHourly Pay
2Customer Service$65,369$31
3Non Profit/Government$58,203$28

Hospice of the Western Reserve’s competitor’s salaries in Willoughby, OH

The highest paying Hospice of the Western Reserve competitor in Willoughby, OH is American Hospice Management. The average salary at American Hospice Management in Willoughby, OH is $175,484. The lowest paying Hospice of the Western Reserve competitor in Willoughby, OH is Hospice of The Bluegrass, Inc..

Highest-paying Hospice of the Western Reserve competitors in Willoughby, OH

RankCompany NameAvarage Pay in Willoughby, OHHourly Pay
1American Hospice Management$61,140$29
2Hospice of Michigan$57,583$28
3National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization$56,364$27
4Stein Hospice$54,587$26
5Homestead Hospice$54,505$26
6VITAS Healthcare$53,741$26
7Calvary Hospital$52,636$25
8Hospice of Northwest Ohio$51,867$25
10Hospice of The Bluegrass, Inc.$51,392$25

Frequently asked questions about Hospice of the Western Reserve pay in Willoughby, OH

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