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Average Salary In Huslia, AK

$46,000 yearly

$22.12 hourly
Updated September 14, 2023

Average Salary in Huslia, AK

PercentileAnnual SalaryMonthly SalaryHourly Rate
90th Percentile$85,000$7,083$41
75th Percentile$64,000$5,333$31
25th Percentile$34,000$2,833$16
10th Percentile$25,000$2,083$12

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What Is The Average Salary In Huslia, AK?

Highest Paying Cities In Alaska

CityAvg. SalaryHourly RateJob Opening
Homer, AK$55,000$26.04159
Kenai, AK$55,000$26.04307
Palmer, AK$55,000$26.04512
Soldotna, AK$55,000$26.04387
Wasilla, AK$55,000$26.04522
Anchorage, AK$54,000$25.576,451
Fairbanks, AK$48,000$22.732,018
Ketchikan, AK$48,000$22.73718
Valdez, AK$48,000$22.7389
Bethel, AK$46,000$21.78245

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2021 Hourly Minimum Wage in Huslia, AK

Minimum Wage


Huslia, AK minimum wage rate is $15.51 per hour. This is greater than the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25. You are entitled to be paid the higher state minimum wage.

Alaska Minimum Wage History

YearMin Wage In Alaska

Full Time Jobs In Huslia, AK