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Kettering Health Network salary estimate


$24.91 hourly rate

Entry-level salary
$28,000 yearly salary
Updated April 25, 2024

How much does Kettering Health Network pay?

The average Kettering Health Network salary in the United States is $51,815 per year. Kettering Health Network salaries range between $28,000 a year in the bottom 10th percentile to $95,000 in the top 90th percentile. Kettering Health Network pays $24.91 an hour on average. Geographic location also impacts Kettering Health Network salaries. Kettering Health Network employees in Kettering, OH get paid the most.

Highest paying jobs at Kettering Health Network

The highest paying jobs at Kettering Health Network are associate professor, staff pharmacist, applications systems analyst, and resident physician. Associate professor jobs at Kettering Health Network earn an average yearly salary of $104,952, Kettering Health Network staff pharmacist jobs average $98,526, and Kettering Health Network applications systems analyst jobs average $87,212.

The lowest paying Kettering Health Network roles include home health aid and food service worker. Kettering Health Network home health aid average salary is $29,849 per year. So while the average Kettering Health Network salary is $51,815 there is a big variation in pay depending on the role.

Highest paying jobs at Kettering Health Network

RankJob TitleAverage Kettering Health Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Associate Professor$104,952$50.46
2Staff Pharmacist$98,526$47.37
3Applications Systems Analyst$87,212$41.93
4Resident Physician$84,538$40.64
5Epic Consultant$84,230$40.50
6Project Manager Networking$80,494$38.70
7Staff Nurse$79,633$38.29
8Finance Analyst$75,816$36.45
9Student Physical Therapist$74,887$36.00
10Registered Nurse$74,348$35.74
11Human Resources Business Partner$72,059$34.64
12Radiologic Technician$61,525$29.58
14Clinical Dietitian$58,835$28.29
15Surgical Technician$58,147$27.96
16Respiratory Therapist$57,949$27.86
17Social Worker$56,882$27.35
18Marketing Communications Specialist$56,683$27.25
20Medical Technologist$52,518$25.25

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Kettering Health Network salaries by department

Salaries at Kettering Health Network vary depending on the department you work in. Kettering Health Network salaries in the education department are the highest with an average salary of $71,036. Employees in the finance department at Kettering Health Network receive relatively high salaries as well, with an average salary of $68,201 per year. Departments that don't pay as well at Kettering Health Network include the hospitality/service and the customer service organizational functions, with employees earning average salaries of $35,613 and $38,880, respectively.

Average Kettering Health Network salary by department

RankDepartmentAverage Kettering Health Network SalaryHourly Rate
5Human Resources$57,255$27.53
7Non Profit/Government$45,043$21.66
10Customer Service$38,880$18.69

How much does Kettering Health Network pay by department?

Best paying Kettering Health Network healthcare salaries

RankPositionAverage Kettering Health Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Staff Pharmacist$98,526$47.37
2Resident Physician$84,538$40.64
3Ultrasound Technologist$83,719$40.25
4Staff Nurse$79,633$38.29
5Student Physical Therapist$74,887$36.00
6Registered Nurse$74,348$35.74
7Practice Manager$61,044$29.35
8Clinical Dietitian$58,835$28.29
9Wellness Manager$58,483$28.12
10Surgical Technician$58,147$27.96
11Respiratory Therapist$57,949$27.86
12Nursing Program Coordinator$57,735$27.76
13Dietetic Internship$56,162$27.00
14Medical Technologist$52,518$25.25
15Discharge Planner$43,902$21.11
16Medical Assistant$38,426$18.47
18Patient Care Technician$37,948$18.24
20Clinical Externship$37,558$18.06

Best paying Kettering Health Network administrative salaries

RankPositionAverage Kettering Health Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Billing Manager$67,700$32.55
2Unit Coordinator$58,022$27.90
4Laboratory Clerk$44,847$21.56
5Administrative Coordinator$41,386$19.90
6Intake Specialist$40,974$19.70
7Medical Records Technician$39,782$19.13
8Administrative Assistant$39,694$19.08
9Medical Transcriptionist$39,599$19.04
10Health Information Technician$39,350$18.92
11Unit Secretary$38,584$18.55
12Front Office Specialist$37,338$17.95
13Patient Registrar$36,853$17.72
14Senior Secretary$36,639$17.61
15Office Assistant$34,527$16.60
16Registration Clerk$33,238$15.98
18Student Worker$28,108$13.51

Best paying Kettering Health Network facilities salaries

RankPositionAverage Kettering Health Network SalaryHourly Rate
1Facilities Manager$75,276$36.19
2CT Technologist$68,409$32.89
3X-Ray Technician$62,188$29.90
4Radiologic Technician$61,525$29.58
5Staff Radiologic Technologist$57,332$27.56
6Director, Facilities & Operations$49,823$23.95
7Maintenance Worker$39,715$19.09
8Environmental Services Supervisor$39,712$19.09
9Environmental Services Worker$38,537$18.53
10Shop Assistant$34,745$16.70

What employees say about salary at Kettering Health Network

Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Jul 2024
Pros of working at Kettering Health Network

The directors and unit managers tend to be very good people at all campuses save main campus.

Cons of working at Kettering Health Network

Executive leadership has not adopted modern management techniques, still rules as if they are the wizard behind the curtain, and spouts transparency and a new direction, but does not deliver on promises. Same old, same old with SDA doctrine. If you are not SDA< you will not receive leadership roles or positions.

Kettering Health Network Benefits

The direct care staff are there for the patients. They are the reason the ratings are what they are. They work well and for the patient despite executive leadership's mismanagement, draconian actions, and lack of knowledge or care for the actual medical work that occurs within the facilities.

What do you like best about Kettering Health Network's CEO and the leadership team?

SDA is not a requirement for executive leadership. Do what you say you are going to do. Manage with transparency and honesty from the top down. Listen to your staff.

How would you improve Kettering Health Network's culture?

I would eliminate the extraneous executive positions, streamline leadership, actually operate with transparency and honesty, and speak with direct care staff to get a measure on what can and should occur to improve their ability to care for the patients.

How does your compensation at Kettering Health Network compare to the industry average?

I think Kettering Health is slightly lower than the other network in the Miami Valley but is commiserate with the locale.

What's the diversity at Kettering Health Network like?

I think there is diversity with ethnicity within the organization. There is no religious diversity, especially within executive leadership roles.

What brings you the most joy at Kettering Health Network?

Dealing with patients and co-workers.

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A zippia user wrote a review on Dec 2022
Pros of working at Kettering Health Network

Miamisburg campus is clean with nice colleagues. They celebrate all the little things.

Cons of working at Kettering Health Network

A president who is leading this hospital as a religious man but has years of infidelity. Hypocrisy makes it hard to watch the public talks and prayers.

Kettering Health Network Benefits

Great compensation

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A zippia user wrote a review on Apr 2019
Pros of working at Kettering Health Network

Great culture!

Cons of working at Kettering Health Network

Dayton gets cold in the winter.

Kettering Health Network Benefits

Great people to work with, excellent food, supportive community.

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Frequently asked questions about Kettering Health Network salaries

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Kettering Health Network, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Kettering Health Network. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Kettering Health Network. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Kettering Health Network. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Kettering Health Network and its employees or that of Zippia.

Kettering Health Network may also be known as or be related to Kettering Adventist HealthCare Inc, Kettering Adventist HealthCare, Inc., Kettering Adventist Healthcare, Kettering Health, Kettering Health Network and Kettering Medical Center.