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Average Salary In Locust Valley, NY

$77,000 yearly

$37.02 hourly
Updated September 14, 2023

Average Salary in Locust Valley, NY

PercentileAnnual SalaryMonthly SalaryHourly Rate
90th Percentile$160,000$13,333$77
75th Percentile$113,000$9,417$54
25th Percentile$52,000$4,333$25
10th Percentile$37,000$3,083$18

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What Is The Average Salary In Locust Valley, NY?

  • The average salary in Locust Valley, NY is $77,000
  • The average hourly pay is $37.0 in Locust Valley, NY
  • Highest paying jobs in Locust Valley, NY are Economist, Clubhouse Manager, and Research Analyst
  • Locust Valley, NY minimum wage rate is $12.5 per hour

Highest Paying Jobs In Locust Valley, NY

Job TitleAvg. SalaryHourly RateJob Opening
Project Engineer$82,426$39.63176,689
Foreign Language Teacher$74,409$35.7773,406
Tennis Professional$60,736$29.2043,556

Highest Paying Cities In New York

CityAvg. SalaryHourly RateJob Opening
Hempstead, NY$77,000$36.46703
Yonkers, NY$77,000$36.462,025
Babylon, NY$72,000$34.09144
New York, NY$59,000$27.94143,967
Buffalo, NY$56,000$26.528,489
Syracuse, NY$55,000$26.049,200
Rochester, NY$54,000$25.5714,058

What Am I Worth?


What Am I Worth?


2021 Hourly Minimum Wage in Locust Valley, NY

Minimum Wage


Locust Valley, NY minimum wage rate is $12.5 per hour. This is greater than the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25. You are entitled to be paid the higher state minimum wage.

New York Minimum Wage History

YearMin Wage In New York

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Fitness CoachPortledge SchoolLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$28,800
Substitute School TeacherPortledge SchoolLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$39,131
Teaching AssistantPortledge SchoolLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$37,566
Hvac TechnicianHealthcare Services GroupLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$60,523
Facilities Administrative AssistantHealthcare Services GroupLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$58,436
Pet GroomerAussie Pet Mobile Gold Coast of Long IslandLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$52,175
Middle School English TeacherPortledge SchoolLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$39,131
Director Of Human ResourcesPortledge SchoolLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$80,000
MonitorPortledge SchoolLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$34,436
Substitute School TeacherPortledge SchoolLocust Valley, NYJan 1, 2024$39,131

Full Time Jobs In Locust Valley, NY