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MetaOption salary estimate


$44.22 hourly rate

Entry-level salary
$67,000 yearly salary
Updated April 25, 2024

How much does MetaOption pay?

The average MetaOption salary in the United States is $91,977 per year. MetaOption salaries range between $67,000 a year in the bottom 10th percentile to $125,000 in the top 90th percentile. MetaOption pays $44.22 an hour on average. Geographic location also impacts MetaOption salaries. MetaOption employees in San Jose, CA get paid the most.

Highest paying jobs at MetaOption

The highest paying jobs at MetaOption are engineering manager, project manager, systems architect, and team leader. Engineering manager jobs at MetaOption earn an average yearly salary of $122,264, MetaOption project manager jobs average $112,660, and MetaOption systems architect jobs average $110,238.

The lowest paying MetaOption roles include lead .net developer and software engineer. MetaOption lead .net developer average salary is $78,834 per year. So while the average MetaOption salary is $91,977 there is a big variation in pay depending on the role.

Highest paying jobs at MetaOption

RankJob TitleAverage MetaOption SalaryHourly Rate
1Engineering Manager$122,264$58.78
2Project Manager$112,660$54.16
3Systems Architect$110,238$53.00
4Team Leader$99,755$47.96
5IOS Developer$94,880$45.62
6Software Development Engineer$94,753$45.55
7Project Leader$94,474$45.42
8Software Engineer$89,251$42.91
9Lead .NET Developer$78,835$37.90

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How much does MetaOption pay by location?

The average MetaOption salary varies by location. MetaOption salaries are the highest in San Jose, CA, at $113,115 per year. MetaOption pays the second highest average salary in New York, NY, at $94,506 per year. It's important to factor in the cost of living when negotiating a salary or choosing a place to work.

Highest Paying MetaOption Locations

RankLocationAverage MetaOption SalaryHourly Rate
1San Jose, CA$113,115$54.38
2New York, NY$94,506$45.44
3Jersey City, NJ$88,224$42.42
4Lexington, MA$88,098$42.35
5Houston, TX$86,656$41.66
6Duluth, GA$81,500$39.18
7Aventura, FL$78,482$37.73

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MetaOption salaries by department

Salaries at MetaOption vary depending on the department you work in. MetaOption salaries in the business development department are the highest with an average salary of $139,991. Employees in the retail department at MetaOption receive relatively high salaries as well, with an average salary of $99,702 per year. Departments that don't pay as well at MetaOption include the administrative and the plant/manufacturing organizational functions, with employees earning average salaries of $58,161 and $81,038, respectively.

Average MetaOption salary by department

RankDepartmentAverage MetaOption SalaryHourly Rate
1Business Development$139,991$67.30

How much does MetaOption pay by department?

Best paying MetaOption engineering salaries

RankPositionAverage MetaOption SalaryHourly Rate
1Engineering Manager$122,264$58.78
2Technical Project Manager$101,594$48.84
3IOS Developer$94,880$45.62
4Software Development Engineer$94,753$45.55
5Software Engineer$89,251$42.91
6Lead .NET Developer$78,835$37.90

Best paying MetaOption IT salaries

RankPositionAverage MetaOption SalaryHourly Rate
1Systems Architect$110,238$53.00
2Senior Network Engineer$102,680$49.37
3Project Leader$94,474$45.42
4Senior Operations Project Manager$93,317$44.86

Best paying MetaOption business development salaries

RankPositionAverage MetaOption SalaryHourly Rate
1Business Analyst/Project Manager$87,774$42.20

MetaOption competitors’ average salaries

Average salaries at MetaOption competitors, like Globant, 3Pillar Global, and Data Masons Software, vary. Globant employees earn the highest salaries, with an average yearly salary of $108,153. The average salary at 3Pillar Global is $101,433 per year, and the average salary at Data Masons Software is $98,681 per year.

Highest paying MetaOption competitors

RankCompany NameZippia ScoreAverage Salary
23Pillar Global4.1$101,433
3Data Masons Software4.0$98,681
4Evergent Technologies, Inc.3.2$94,554
8OPTiMO Information Technology3.5$82,161
10HCL Technologies4.4$81,538
12Arokia IT Pvt Limited3.8$76,474
13Infospectrum Inc.3.3$74,920
14Rjt Compuquest3.6$73,734
15Ardent Technologies3.5$73,368
18Premium Technology3.8$73,012
19InfoTECH Solutions3.4$72,847
20Ramp Technology Group3.6$72,467

Recently added MetaOption salaries

JobLocationDate AddedSalary
Consulting ActuarySan Francisco, CA12/08/2024$124,500
Manufacturing/Sales SupervisorSan Antonio, TX11/28/2024$60,000
Sales Development Representative (SDR)Jersey City, NJ09/23/2024$60,000
Engineering Technician II SemiconductorSan Jose, CA09/07/2024$78,000
SR Technical Support Engineer (Semiconductor)Hillsboro, OR09/07/2024$92,210

Frequently asked questions about MetaOption salaries

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of MetaOption, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about MetaOption. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at MetaOption. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by MetaOption. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of MetaOption and its employees or that of Zippia.

MetaOption may also be known as or be related to MetaOption, MetaOption LLC, Metaoption LLC and Metaoption, LLC.