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Nursing Faculty skills for your resume and career

Updated January 8, 2025
4 min read
Quoted Experts
Dr. Raquel Engolio,
Dr. Raquel Engolio
Below we've compiled a list of the most critical nursing faculty skills. We ranked the top skills for nursing faculties based on the percentage of resumes they appeared on. For example, 9.6% of nursing faculty resumes contained home health as a skill. Continue reading to find out what skills a nursing faculty needs to be successful in the workplace.

15 nursing faculty skills for your resume and career

1. Home Health

Here's how nursing faculties use home health:
  • Varied home health agencies for clinical sites.
  • Reason for leaving: Worked 2 days a week until took full time Management role at Medi Home Health.

2. Course Objectives

A course objective allows students to know all that a course is about, why it is taught, where it is going, and what is required of them to be successful in the course. It forms the basis of the class and establishes a behavior, skill, or action that a student can demonstrate if they have achieved mastery of the objective. The objectives must be observable, measurable, valid, and also aligned with the expectations of the course.

Here's how nursing faculties use course objectives:
  • Conferred with students on progress and assists in development of learning plans to facilitate successful achievement of course objectives.
  • Coordinate clinical assignments and work one-on-one with students to ensure that they meet course objectives.

3. Community Health

Community health is a category of medical speciality that places its attention on the well being of people. The main focus is mental and physical well-being of these people located in a specific region geographically. It seeks to help community people maintain and enhance their health in order to prevent disease spread.

Here's how nursing faculties use community health:
  • Educated fourth semester associate degree program nursing students in the Community Health/Gerontology course curriculum.
  • Have also taught Professional Role Development, Reproduction, Community Health, CPR/BCLS, Simulation and skills labs, etc.

4. Mental Health

Mental health is the state of wellbeing in which an individual can cope with the regular stresses and tensions of life, and can work productively without having any emotional or psychological breakdown. Mental health is essential for a person of any age and helps them make the right decisions in their life.

Here's how nursing faculties use mental health:
  • Provide classroom theory: Mental Health/ Behavior Health/Substance Abuse/Pharmacology/Medical Terminology.
  • Lead professor for both levels in all required courses from fundamentals to mental health nursing.

5. Student Learning

Here's how nursing faculties use student learning:
  • Spearheaded hands-on instruction and training using adult learning theories that created an engaged and interactive learning environment maximizing adult student learning.
  • Develop strong collaboration with community organizations to enhance/promote student learning experiences.

6. Patients

Here's how nursing faculties use patients:
  • Lead students in the clinical setting, including working with facility staff to ensure that students are assigned the appropriate patients.
  • Accompanied students to rehabilitation facilities and helped them in assessing, planning and implementing appropriate care for these patients.

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7. Professional Development

Professional development means to have the essential training certification or education with the purpose of earning and having a successful career. Every job requires a different set of skills. However, new skills may be needed in the future. Professional development, in this regard, helps people to develop and polish the skills and become efficient workers.

Here's how nursing faculties use professional development:
  • Facilitated the personal and professional development of student body as faculty chair with student nursing organization.
  • Facilitated a professional development/ life skills workshop series for nursing students.

8. Course Content

Here's how nursing faculties use course content:
  • Plan, evaluate, revised curricula, course content, course materials, and methods of instruction.
  • Reviewed and revised course content; performed duties and assigned.

9. Clinical Experiences

Here's how nursing faculties use clinical experiences:
  • Monitor students in off-campus clinical experiences on clinical care in the medical-surgical units of local hospitals.
  • Coordinated gerontological nursing clinical experiences for LPN students.

10. Medical-Surgical Nursing

Here's how nursing faculties use medical-surgical nursing:
  • Instruct and manage Medical-Surgical Nursing I, II course.
  • Associate Degree Registered Nursing Program Didactic Instruction: Capstone Clinical Instruction for Fundamentals II and Medical-Surgical Nursing II/Capstone Tutoring

11. Pediatrics

Pediatrics is that branch of medicine that deals specifically with the well-being and health matters relating to infants, children, and teenagers entering into adulthood. People under the age of 18 are recommended to be under the care of a pediatrician instead of a normal doctor. However, this age limit is subject to vary in different countries. A professional of this medical branch is known as a pediatrician.

Here's how nursing faculties use pediatrics:
  • Provided classroom and clinical instruction in the areas of Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing and Pediatrics.
  • Developed course syllabi and taught Pediatrics, Maternity, Medical-Surgical, Pharmacology, and Dosage and Calculation.

12. Critical Care

Here's how nursing faculties use critical care:
  • Focused on effective teaching strategies in advanced medical-surgical, critical care and psychiatric nursing.
  • Instruct students in a variety of clinical settings such as emergency, critical care, telemetry and surgical units.

13. Curriculum Development

Here's how nursing faculties use curriculum development:
  • Assisted with curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Participate in curriculum development, delivery and evaluation.

14. Course Materials

Here's how nursing faculties use course materials:
  • Prepared course material for registered nurse and practical nurse programs.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of concept-based learning curriculum to increase student understanding of course materials.

15. Med-Surg

Here's how nursing faculties use med-surg:
  • Contributed substantially to the creation and implementation of Med-Surg Summer Course.
  • Developed syllabi and curriculum for a variety of med-surg nursing classes as well as leadership classes.

What skills help Nursing Faculties find jobs?

Tell us what job you are looking for, we’ll show you what skills employers want.

What skills stand out on Nursing Faculty resumes?

Dr. Raquel Engolio

Assistant Professor, Department Head for Nursing, Nicholls State University

Expertise and clinical experience are skills that will stand out for a clinical nursing instructor. Certifications in a respective specialty and advanced nursing degrees help to confirm that experience. Clinical experience in the acute setting is very valuable for clinical nursing instructors. Participating in a preceptorship, mentoring undergraduate students, and orienting new nursing graduates are skills that help clinical instructors stand out.

What soft skills should all Nursing Facultys possess?

Dr. Raquel Engolio

Assistant Professor, Department Head for Nursing, Nicholls State University

Communication and teamwork. Clear communication as a clinical nurse educator is critical. Clinical instructors will supervise students in a complex, fast-paced clinical environment. This requires clear, timely, and professional communication. In respect to teamwork, clinical nursing instructors can expect to work with a team of course faculty in the classroom, lab, and clinical setting. During clinical, instructors work with the staff nurses and healthcare team. It is vital for clinical instructors to maintain positive group dynamics. Students, staff, and patients will often reach out and seek instructors who convey approachability, warmth, and competency in the clinical setting.

What hard/technical skills are most important for Nursing Facultys?

Dr. Raquel Engolio

Assistant Professor, Department Head for Nursing, Nicholls State University

Writing, assessment, and application of the nursing process in the clinical setting are important technical skills. Clinical instructors will lead nursing students and teach safe nursing care during the clinical experience. An advanced understanding of assessment, best practices for safe patient care, and applying safe clinical judgment in the health care setting are most important.

What Nursing Faculty skills would you recommend for someone trying to advance their career?

Suzanne Kemp Ph.D.Suzanne Kemp Ph.D. LinkedIn Profile

Director of Dance, Associate Professor of College of Fine Arts and Production, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

They need to stay engaged in some level of working with people with disabilities. If they do something that isn't relevant to the field, they won't be as marketable as a new graduate.

What type of skills will young Nursing Facultys need?

Dr. Rodney Rohde Ph.D.Dr. Rodney Rohde Ph.D. LinkedIn Profile

Professor and Chair, Texas State University

I like to tell everyone that the Medical Laboratory degree (at any level, Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and now Doctoral, DCLS) is like majoring in four areas. One of the most rigorous degrees one can obtain, and the professional career is no different because we are continually learning, based on the real-time, best medical evidence of laboratory medicine.

Here are some broad strokes for what new graduates will need in the coming years - 1. Communication skills; 2. Problem-solving and troubleshooting; 3. Use their math and science skills, especially the core foundations of medical laboratory science - hematology, immunohematology (blood bank), clinical chemistry, and microbiology; 4. Professionalism (manage yourself, others, time, and things); 5. Self-starter with the ability to work alone and in groups across healthcare and with the public; 6. Empathy and sympathy for colleagues as well as the patients we serve.

What technical skills for a Nursing Faculty stand out to employers?

Elizabeth CurtinElizabeth Curtin LinkedIn Profile

Full-time Faculty, Spokane Community College

More hands-on skills, resilience, adaptability to the ever-changing environment.

List of nursing faculty skills to add to your resume

Nursing Faculty Skills

The most important skills for a nursing faculty resume and required skills for a nursing faculty to have include:

  • Home Health
  • Course Objectives
  • Community Health
  • Mental Health
  • Student Learning
  • Patients
  • Professional Development
  • Course Content
  • Clinical Experiences
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Pediatrics
  • Critical Care
  • Curriculum Development
  • Course Materials
  • Med-Surg
  • Clinical Practice
  • Patient Care
  • MSN
  • Global Health
  • Maternal Child
  • Clinical Sites
  • Clinical Rotations
  • Syllabus
  • Student Performance
  • Pharmacology
  • Clinical Faculty
  • Course Curriculum
  • OB
  • Clinical Courses
  • ASN
  • Registered Nursing
  • Rehabilitation
  • IV
  • RN-BSN
  • Clinical Education
  • Acute Care
  • Acen
  • Health Assessments
  • Clinical Supervision
  • ADN
  • Blackboard
  • PN
  • Ethics
  • Capstone
  • Course Development
  • Physiology

Updated January 8, 2025

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