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Orangetheory Fitness salary estimate


$30,135 yearly

Entry-level salary
$20,000 yearly salary
Updated April 25, 2024

How much does Orangetheory Fitness pay?

The average Orangetheory Fitness salary in the United States is $30,135 per year. Orangetheory Fitness salaries range between $20,000 a year in the bottom 10th percentile to $43,000 in the top 90th percentile. Orangetheory Fitness pays $14.49 an hour on average. Geographic location also impacts Orangetheory Fitness salaries. Orangetheory Fitness employees in New York, NY get paid the most.

Highest paying jobs at Orangetheory Fitness

The highest paying jobs at Orangetheory Fitness are owner/operator, media coordinator, personal trainer, and sales representative. Owner/operator jobs at Orangetheory Fitness earn an average yearly salary of $173,045, Orangetheory Fitness media coordinator jobs average $42,080, and Orangetheory Fitness personal trainer jobs average $38,974.

The lowest paying Orangetheory Fitness roles include membership consultant and front desk receptionist. Orangetheory Fitness membership consultant average salary is $25,991 per year. So while the average Orangetheory Fitness salary is $30,135 there is a big variation in pay depending on the role.

Highest paying jobs at Orangetheory Fitness

RankJob TitleAverage Orangetheory Fitness SalaryHourly Rate
2Media Coordinator$42,080$20.23
3Personal Trainer$38,974$18.74
4Sales Representative$36,736$17.66
5Programming Specialist$34,590$16.63
6Head Coach$33,497$16.10
7Fitness Coach$33,418$16.07
8Fitness Consultant$30,989$14.90
9Studio Manager$30,737$14.78
10Assistant Manager$30,563$14.69
11Administrative Assistant$30,546$14.69
12Brand Ambassador$30,189$14.51
13Customer Service Representative$29,863$14.36
14Head Trainer$28,894$13.89
15Front Desk Associate$27,750$13.34
17Sales Associate$26,839$12.90
18Membership Advisor$26,308$12.65
19Front Desk Receptionist$26,086$12.54
20Membership Consultant$25,991$12.50

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How much does Orangetheory Fitness pay by location?

The average Orangetheory Fitness salary varies by location. Orangetheory Fitness salaries are the highest in New York, NY, at $35,415 per year. Orangetheory Fitness pays the second highest average salary in Brentwood, CA, at $34,976 per year. It's important to factor in the cost of living when negotiating a salary or choosing a place to work.

Highest Paying Orangetheory Fitness Locations

RankLocationAverage Orangetheory Fitness SalaryHourly Rate
1New York, NY$35,415$17.03
2Brentwood, CA$34,976$16.82
3Seattle, WA$34,566$16.62
4Denver, CO$31,765$15.27
5Rockford, IL$30,586$14.70
6Huntingtown, MD$30,165$14.50
7Irving, TX$28,586$13.74
8Boca Raton, FL$26,984$12.97

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Orangetheory Fitness salaries by department

Salaries at Orangetheory Fitness vary depending on the department you work in. Orangetheory Fitness salaries in the marketing department are the highest with an average salary of $38,635. Employees in the hospitality/service department at Orangetheory Fitness receive relatively high salaries as well, with an average salary of $33,924 per year. Departments that don't pay as well at Orangetheory Fitness include the customer service and the sales organizational functions, with employees earning average salaries of $27,803 and $27,905, respectively.

Average Orangetheory Fitness salary by department

RankDepartmentAverage Orangetheory Fitness SalaryHourly Rate
8Customer Service$27,803$13.37

How much does Orangetheory Fitness pay by department?

Best paying Orangetheory Fitness sales salaries

RankPositionAverage Orangetheory Fitness SalaryHourly Rate
1Sales Representative$36,736$17.66
2Fitness Manager$36,672$17.63
3Fitness Director$34,030$16.36
4Manager/Personal Trainer$30,314$14.57
5Head Trainer$28,894$13.89
6Sales Associate$26,839$12.90
7Membership Advisor$26,308$12.65
8Membership Consultant$25,991$12.50

Best paying Orangetheory Fitness hospitality/service salaries

RankPositionAverage Orangetheory Fitness SalaryHourly Rate
1Assistant General Manager$40,594$19.52
2Personal Trainer$38,974$18.74
3Group Exercise Instructor$35,533$17.08
4Fitness Coach$33,418$16.07
5Fitness Consultant$30,989$14.90
6Front Desk Associate$27,750$13.34
7Front Desk Clerk$27,570$13.25
8Daycare Provider Assistant$26,205$12.60
9Kids Club Attendant$26,018$12.51

Best paying Orangetheory Fitness retail salaries

RankPositionAverage Orangetheory Fitness SalaryHourly Rate
1Assistant Manager$30,563$14.69
2Sales Associate/Manager$30,066$14.45
3Shift Supervisor$29,284$14.08
4Merchandise Planner$28,949$13.92
5Sales Lead/Sales Associate$28,042$13.48
6Key Holder$27,965$13.44

Recently added Orangetheory Fitness salaries

JobLocationDate AddedSalary
Sales RepresentativeDelray Beach, FL12/16/2024$27,131
Orangetheory Fitness Northbrook Group Fitness TrainerNorthbrook, IL12/16/2024$45,000
Sales AssociateMemphis, TN12/16/2024$25,044
Fitness Studio CoordinatorShrewsbury, NJ12/16/2024$27,131
Member Services AssociateColleyville, TX12/16/2024$22,957

What employees say about salary at Orangetheory Fitness

Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Mar 2024
Pros of working at Orangetheory Fitness

The pros of working for Orangetheory Fitness are the company lives its values. Their motto of more life impacts people's lives, including employees who feel supported to start, learn, and continue to grow in their fitness journey while helping change people's lives.

Cons of working at Orangetheory Fitness

The cons of working at Orangetheory Fitness is the accountability held for franchise owners. Franchise owners can make or break a company if their vision and goals do not align with the corporation. Other cons are the rigid ability to progress in the company and be eligible for raises and other opportunities.

Orangetheory Fitness Benefits

My favorite perk of working at Orangetheory is to live my vocation to lead, inspire, manage, and encourage my employees, staff members, and community.

What do you like best about Orangetheory Fitness's CEO and the leadership team?

I like that Elle, our CEO, is fully invested in Orangetheory Fitness. She has a vision and leads by example to inspire that vision in franchise owners worldwide. I also appreciate the time and commitment the leadership team has and continues to put into innovating technology and training for new hires and members to understand better the job duties and expectations of working for an Orangetheory franchise. The leadership team has magnificently ensured each studio is predictable and consistent worldwide.

How would you improve Orangetheory Fitness's culture?

I would improve Orangetheory Fitness by ensuring Franchise owner training is taken seriously and mandatory. Franchise owners are the most inconsistent piece of the puzzle for Orangetheory Fitness franchises.

How did you prepare for the Orangetheory Fitness interview?

I prepared for an interview at Orangetheory Fitness by ensuring I encompassed the skills, wants, needs, and attributes the company is hiring for. I learned about the company's mission, vision, and values statement and how the company was founded. I completed training and earned certificates before applying for an interview, so I was a top candidate.

How does your compensation at Orangetheory Fitness compare to the industry average?

In my experience, under my franchise owner, my compensation compares negatively to the industry average.

What's the diversity at Orangetheory Fitness like?

The representation of diverse demographics is great within my organization. Every employee is interviewed and hired based on the skills they possess above anything else.

What brings you the most joy at Orangetheory Fitness?

Personally, the people bring me the most joy at work. Knowing that I play a part in each person I work with or see daily empowers me to do more and improve. I implement the skills I've learned earning my masters into my job and train my employees to excel in future interviews, jobs, and life circumstances.

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Orangetheory Fitness, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Orangetheory Fitness. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Orangetheory Fitness. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Orangetheory Fitness. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Orangetheory Fitness and its employees or that of Zippia.

Orangetheory Fitness may also be known as or be related to Orangetheory Fitness and Ultimate Fitness Group, LLC.