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Average Outback Steakhouse cook/server salary


$27,666 yearly

Entry-level Outback Steakhouse cook/server salary
$20,000 yearly
Updated April 5, 2024

How much does Outback Steakhouse pay cook/servers by location?

Outback Steakhouse pays cook/servers the most in Bellingham, WA, Portland, OR, and Troy, NY. Additionally, cities like Los Angeles and Minneapolis also report highly competitive salaries for cook/servers at Outback Steakhouse.

Cook/server Outback Steakhouse salary by location

RankCityAvg. SalaryHourly Rate
1Bellingham, WA$36,775$17.68
2Portland, OR$35,058$16.85
3Troy, NY$32,892$15.81
4Los Angeles, CA$32,856$15.80
5Minneapolis, MN$32,492$15.62
6Milwaukee, WI$31,731$15.26
7Chicago, IL$29,635$14.25
8Philadelphia, PA$29,421$14.14
9Baltimore, MD$29,400$14.13
10Mason City, IA$27,774$13.35

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