Post Job
Updated April 5, 2024

Average Patrick Industries salary in Colorado


$22.13 hourly

Entry-level Patrick Industries salary in Colorado

$25,000 yearly

How much does Patrick Industries pay in Colorado?

The average Patrick Industries salary in Colorado is $46,022. Patrick Industries salaries range between $25,000 to $82,000 per year in Colorado. Patrick Industries Colorado based pay is higher than Patrick Industries's United States average salary of $44,907. The best-paying job in Colorado at Patrick Industries is director of purchasing, which pays an average of $162,784 annually.

Patrick Industries salaries in Colorado by job title

Patrick Industries’s highest-paying job in Colorado is director of purchasing, with an average salary of $162,784. In second place is driver/owner operator, which pays $157,411 annually in Colorado.

Highest paying jobs at Patrick Industries in Colorado

RankJob titleAverage Patrick Industries salaryHourly pay
1Director Of Purchasing$162,784$78
2Driver/Owner Operator$157,411$76
3Director Of Distribution$145,372$70
4Executive Sales Director$139,307$67
5Plant Manager$126,032$61
6Information Technology Manager$120,483$58
7Corporate Director, Human Resources$107,401$52
8Quality Control Manager$103,540$50
9General Manager$101,297$49
10Division Controller$101,251$49

Patrick Industries salaries in Colorado by department

The departments with the highest salaries for Patrick Industries employees in Colorado are Engineering, Supply Chain, and Sales.

Colorado Patrick Industries employees in the Engineering department earn an average salary of $72,250 a year, compared to an average salary of $66,621 in the Supply Chain department and $66,048 in the Sales department.

Highest paying departments at Patrick Industries in Colorado

RankDepartmentAverage Patrick Industries salaryHourly pay
2Supply Chain$66,621$32
7Human Resources$50,215$24

Patrick Industries competitors salaries in Colorado

The highest paying Patrick Industries competitor in Colorado is Armstrong Flooring. The average salary at Armstrong Flooring in Colorado is $162,784. The lowest paying Patrick Industries competitor in Colorado is Woodgrain.
RankCompany nameAverage pay in ColoradoHourly pay
1Armstrong Flooring$59,994$29
2Custom Glass Products$58,052$28
4Quality Products$56,565$27
5Sioux Chief$54,956$26
6Southeastern Aluminum Products$51,499$25
7Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co$48,475$23
8National Gypsum$47,435$23
9Harvey Building Products$45,265$22

Frequently asked questions about Patrick Industries pay in Colorado

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