Post Job
Updated April 5, 2024

Average SAP salary in Washington


$64.36 hourly

Entry-level SAP salary in Washington

$94,000 yearly

How much does SAP pay in Washington?

The average SAP salary in Washington is $133,876. SAP salaries range between $94,000 to $189,000 per year in Washington. SAP Washington based pay is higher than SAP's United States average salary of $115,065. The best-paying job in Washington at SAP is product management director, which pays an average of $218,981 annually.

SAP salaries in Washington by job title

SAP’s highest-paying job in Washington is product management director, with an average salary of $218,981. In second place is vice president, field operations, which pays $206,106 annually in Washington.

Highest paying jobs at SAP in Washington

RankJob titleAverage SAP salaryHourly pay
1Product Management Director$218,981$105
2Vice President, Field Operations$206,106$99
3Director Of Strategy$204,068$98
4Product Director$203,499$98
5Senior Development Manager$202,422$97
6General Manager$198,958$96
7Director Of Analytics$196,174$94
8Senior Business Manager$190,571$92
9Director Of Business Solutions$188,855$91
10Director, Global Marketing$188,479$91

Highest paying cities in Washington for SAP

The highest paying cities in Washington for SAP employees are Lacey, Kent, and Renton.

SAP workers in Lacey earn an average salary of $134,472 a year, compared to Kent with an average salary of $134,169 and Renton with an average salary of $134,138.

Highest paying cities in Washington at SAP

RankCityAverage SAP salaryHourly pay
1Lacey, WA$134,472$65
2Kent, WA$134,169$65
3Renton, WA$134,138$64
4Seattle, WA$134,068$64
5Issaquah, WA$134,064$64
6Bellevue, WA$134,056$64
7Redmond, WA$134,029$64
8Bothell, WA$133,934$64
9Thorp, WA$133,763$64

SAP salaries in Washington by department

The departments with the highest salaries for SAP employees in Washington are Business Development, Customer Service, and Engineering.

Washington SAP employees in the Business Development department earn an average salary of $150,018 a year, compared to an average salary of $138,120 in the Customer Service department and $136,245 in the Engineering department.

Highest paying departments at SAP in Washington

RankDepartmentAverage SAP salaryHourly pay
1Business Development$150,018$72
2Customer Service$138,120$66
6Human Resources$130,048$63

How much does SAP pay by state

SAP pays the highest salaries in California ($135,049), Washington ($133,876), District of Columbia ($114,830), New York ($114,264), and Colorado ($113,012).

Washington is the #2 highest paid state at SAP.

Highest paying states at SAP

SAP competitors salaries in Washington

The highest paying SAP competitor in Washington is Qualtrics. The average salary at Qualtrics in Washington is $218,981. The lowest paying SAP competitor in Washington is Capgemini.
RankCompany nameAverage pay in WashingtonHourly pay
2TIBCO Software$123,633$59
3Model N$121,644$58
6Software AG$117,404$56
9Manhattan Associates$107,202$52

Recently added SAP salaries in Washington

JobLocationDate addedSalary
Client Delivery ManagerBellevue, WA10/24/2024$117,400
ExpertSeattle, WA10/19/2024$403,800
Senior SpecialistBellevue, WA09/28/2024$132,000
ExpertSeattle, WA09/25/2024$325,000
ExpertSeattle, WA09/10/2024$403,800
Senior Service EngineerBellevue, WA08/28/2024$180,000
Senior Data ScientistBellevue, WA07/18/2024$214,984
Marketing SpecialistBellevue, WA06/17/2024$103,439
Information Technology ConsultantBellevue, WA05/14/2024$134,057
Senior Software EngineerBellevue, WA05/07/2024$145,086

Frequently asked questions about SAP pay in Washington

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