Service Assistant demographics and statistics in the US
Service assistant demographics research summary. Zippia estimates service assistant demographics and statistics in the United States by using a database of 30 million profiles. Our service assistant estimates are verified against BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. Zippia's data science team found the following key facts about service assistants after extensive research and analysis:
- There are over 7,234 service assistants currently employed in the United States.
- 64.2% of all service assistants are women, while 35.8% are men.
- The average service assistant age is 43 years old.
- The most common ethnicity of service assistants is White (54.2%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (20.4%), Black or African American (11.3%) and Asian (6.7%).
- In 2022, women earned 96% of what men earned.
- 11% of all service assistants are LGBT.
- Service assistants are 40% more likely to work at private companies in comparison to education companies.
Service Assistant gender statistics
- Female, 64.2%
- Male, 35.8%
Service Assistant gender ratio
Gender | Percentages |
Female | 64.2% |
Male | 35.8% |
Service Assistant gender pay gap
Women earn 96¢ for every $1 earned by men
Service Assistant gender ratio over time
Service Assistant gender ratio by year
Year | Male | Female |
2010 | 38.40% | 61.60% |
2011 | 33.44% | 66.56% |
2012 | 35.90% | 64.10% |
2013 | 38.77% | 61.23% |
2014 | 33.65% | 66.35% |
2015 | 32.10% | 67.90% |
2016 | 36.37% | 63.63% |
2017 | 36.63% | 63.37% |
2018 | 34.04% | 65.96% |
2019 | 35.83% | 64.17% |
2020 | 35.46% | 64.54% |
2021 | 35.76% | 64.24% |
Service Assistant related jobs gender ratio
We compared service assistants with similar job titles to see how gender ratios vary. As you can see, public health worker and rehabilitation engineer have the biggest gender ratio gaps.
Job Title | Male | Female |
Breastfeeding Educator | 2% | 98% |
Certified Lactation Counselor | 3% | 97% |
Lactation Specialist | 5% | 95% |
Service Assistant | 36% | 64% |
Donation Worker | 70% | 30% |
Rehabilitation Engineer | 70% | 30% |
Public Health Worker | 81% | 19% |
Service Assistant demographics by race
- White, 54.2%
- Hispanic or Latino, 20.4%
- Black or African American, 11.3%
- Asian, 6.7%
- Unknown, 5.2%
- American Indian and Alaska Native, 2.2%
Service Assistant Race
Service Assistant Race | Percentages |
White | 54.2% |
Hispanic or Latino | 20.4% |
Black or African American | 11.3% |
Asian | 6.7% |
Unknown | 5.2% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 2.2% |
Service Assistant race and ethnicity over time
See how service assistant racial and ethnic diversity trended since 2010 according to the United States Census Bureau data.
- White
- Asian
- Hispanic or Latino
- Black or African American
Service Assistant race and ethnicity by year
Year | White | Black or African American | Asian | Hispanic or Latino |
2010 | 58.92% | 15.39% | 5.68% | 16.42% |
2011 | 60.46% | 14.65% | 5.47% | 15.72% |
2012 | 58.52% | 12.85% | 5.14% | 17.30% |
2013 | 56.82% | 14.21% | 5.97% | 17.21% |
2014 | 60.20% | 11.31% | 6.32% | 17.77% |
2015 | 58.88% | 13.34% | 5.28% | 17.23% |
2016 | 58.59% | 13.11% | 5.99% | 17.58% |
2017 | 56.87% | 12.96% | 5.54% | 19.17% |
2018 | 57.10% | 11.08% | 6.35% | 20.52% |
2019 | 57.13% | 12.19% | 6.10% | 19.87% |
2020 | 54.11% | 11.68% | 5.83% | 20.93% |
2021 | 54.24% | 11.29% | 6.73% | 20.43% |
Service Assistant wage gap by race
Ethnicity | Salary |
Unknown | $34,374 |
White | $33,904 |
Black or African American | $33,409 |
Asian | $35,906 |
Hispanic or Latino | $34,467 |
Average service assistant age
Service Assistant age by race and gender
Race | Male Age | Female Age |
Black or African American | 41.5 | 46 |
Unknown | 40.5 | 40 |
Asian | 40.5 | 38 |
Hispanic or Latino | 38 | 37 |
White | 46 | 44 |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 48.5 |
Service Assistant age breakdown
Service Assistant age breakdown
Service Assistant Years | Percentages |
40+ years | 58% |
30-40 years | 25% |
20-30 years | 17% |
Service Assistant educational attainment
- Bachelor's, 49%
- Associate, 20%
- High School Diploma, 18%
- Master's, 5%
- Other Degrees, 8%
Service Assistants by degree level
Service Assistant Degree | Percentages |
Bachelor's | 49% |
Associate | 20% |
High School Diploma | 18% |
Master's | 5% |
Other Degrees | 8% |
Service Assistant Jobs You Might Like
Service Assistant wage gap by degree level
Education | Salary |
Master's Degree | $37,778 |
High School Diploma or Less | $30,822 |
Bachelor's Degree | $34,650 |
Some College/ Associate Degree | $31,019 |
Service Assistant employment statistics
Company size where service assistants work
Service Assistant jobs by employer size
Company Size | Percentages |
< 50 employees | 4% |
50 - 100 employees | 11% |
100 - 500 employees | 19% |
500 - 1,000 employees | 9% |
1,000 - 10,000 employees | 29% |
> 10,000 employees | 28% |
Service Assistant jobs by company type
Service Assistant jobs by sector
Company Type | Percentages |
Education | 34% |
Public | 19% |
Private | 40% |
Government | 7% |
Service Assistant jobs by industry
The most common industries for service assistants are education, health care and hospitality.
Service Assistant industry statistics
Industry | Percentages |
Education | 25% |
Health Care | 16% |
Fortune 500 | 10% |
Hospitality | 8% |
Retail | 6% |
Government | 5% |
Professional | 5% |
Non Profits | 5% |
Finance | 4% |
Insurance | 4% |
Media | 2% |
Transportation | 2% |
Manufacturing | 2% |
Telecommunication | 2% |
Pharmaceutical | 1% |
Automotive | 1% |
Start-up | 1% |
Real Estate | 1% |
Technology | 1% |
Service Assistant turnover and employment statistics
Service Assistant unemployment rate over time
- Unemployment rate
Service Assistant unemployment rate by year
Year | Service Assistant Unemployment Rate |
2010 | 7.13% |
2011 | 7.37% |
2012 | 7.31% |
2013 | 6.59% |
2014 | 5.50% |
2015 | 3.99% |
2016 | 3.87% |
2017 | 3.26% |
2018 | 2.50% |
2019 | 2.81% |
2020 | 4.13% |
2021 | 3.99% |
Average service assistant tenure
Service Assistant tenure statistics
Number of years | Percentages |
Less than 1 year | 29% |
1-2 years | 34% |
3-4 years | 13% |
5-7 years | 14% |
8-10 years | 5% |
11+ years | 6% |
Service Assistant LGBT ratio compared to similar jobs
Job Title | LGBT | Job Openings |
Sexual Assault Counselor | 8.96% | 75,374 |
Parole Director | 9.50% | 4,577 |
Faculty Advisor | 10.75% | 46,224 |
Race Relations Adviser | 11.25% | 22,090 |
Service Assistant | 11.48% | - |
Unit Counselor | 15.06% | 45,693 |
Crisis Intervention Specialist | 15.06% | 80,817 |
Similar service assistant jobs LGBT demographics
Profession | Percentages of LGBT | Job Openings |
Sexual Assault Counselor | 8.96% | 75,374 |
Parole Director | 9.50% | 4,577 |
Faculty Advisor | 10.75% | 46,224 |
Race Relations Adviser | 11.25% | 22,090 |
Unit Counselor | 15.06% | 45,693 |
Crisis Intervention Specialist | 15.06% | 80,817 |
Foreign languages spoken by service assistants
- Spanish, 55.9%
- French, 9.6%
- Mandarin, 4.9%
- Chinese, 4.3%
- German, 3.9%
- Other, 21.4%
Service Assistant languages spoken
Foreign Language | Percentages |
Spanish | 55.9% |
French | 9.6% |
Mandarin | 4.9% |
Chinese | 4.3% |
German | 3.9% |
Other | 21.4% |