Network infrastructure is a good skill to learn if you want to become a telecom consultant, interim director-information technology, or network analyst lead. Here are the top courses to learn network infrastructure:
1. Advanced Kubernetes/AKS Network & Infrastructure
You started your journey learning Kubernetes ?You have been learning the fundamentals of a Kubernetes cluster ?And now you want to make sure your cluster is production ready in terms of security ?If you are looking for how to secure your Kubernetes cluster then this course is for you. Let us face it, security is not an easy task. And Kubernetes is not an exception. Securing a Kubernetes cluster requires thinking about all these aspects: Network security: through private cluster access to API Server with Private Endpoint. Secure egress traffic: all egress traffic should be filtered using Firewall. Secure ingress traffic: using TLS and HTTPS on the ingress controller. Secure inter-pod communication: secure traffic between pods using TLS or mTLS. Controlling traffic between pods: using Network Policy tools like Calico. Securing access to Managed Identities: by restricting access to IMDS endpoint ( Microsoft provides the following recommendations to secure an AKS cluster and this course will try to go deeper with demonstration. Recommendation 1: To distribute HTTP or HTTPS traffic to your applications, use ingress resources and controllers. Compared to an Azure load balancer, ingress controllers provide extra features and can be managed as native Kubernetes resources. Recommendation 2: To scan incoming traffic for potential attacks, use a web application firewall (WAF) such as Barracuda WAF for Azure or Azure Application Gateway. These more advanced network resources can also route traffic beyond just HTTP and HTTPS connections or basic TLS termination. Recommendation 3: Use network policies to allow or deny traffic to pods. By default, all traffic is allowed between pods within a cluster. For improved security, define rules that limit pod communication. Recommendation 4: Don't expose remote connectivity to your AKS nodes. Create a bastion host, or jump box, in a management virtual network. Use the bastion host to securely route traffic into your AKS cluster to remote management tasks. Disclaimer: This course uses Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for demonstrations. But most of the content is applicable to any Kubernetes cluster on any environment...
2. Computer Network Cabling: Ethernet Wiring Infrastructure
Cabling is no-doubt one of the fundamentals of the IT world. Whether you're an Intern or a Level III Technician, you'll eventually run into a situation that requires you to create and run cable. What seems like an easy task can turn into a real headache if the proper steps aren't executed properly. This course is designed to teach you the core principles of network cabling so that you can; Cut and Measure Ethernet Cable WiringDetermine Category Types Install (a. k. a. Crimp) RJ45 Connectors onto CablesWire and Establish Connections with Jacks / Ports Test and Diagnose New / Existing ConnectionsAnd everything else in-between By the end, you'll know network cable wiring inside and out. So, If you're ready to hone your skills in the art of cabling, Enroll now...
3. Infrastructure & Network: Bug Bounty and Penetration Testing
In order to protect yourself from hackers, you must think as one. In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge about penetration testing or hacking. You will learn hacking tools, methodologies and techniques. This is a both practical and theoretical step-by-step course. This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing without neglecting the theory behind each attack. Before jumping into penetration testing, you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software to practice penetration testing on your own machine. Below are the main topics, both theoretical and practical, of this course: Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Footprinting and Reconnaissance This section will teach you how to gather information about your target server, you will learn how to discover the DNS server used, open ports and services, un-published directories, sensitive files. This information is very important as it increases the chances of being able to successfully gain access to the target website. Scanning Networks, Enumeration and Vulnerabilities and System Hacking In this section you will learn how to discover and exploit a large number of vulnerabilities, this section is divided into a number of sub-sections, each covering a specific vulnerability, firstly you will learn what is that vulnerability, then you will learn how to exploit this vulnerability. Sniffing Learn how to capture encrypted and unencrypted data, passwords and such (HTTP, telnet, HTTPS, etc)Metasploit Use This framework to exploit numerous vulnerabilities and crate backdoorsTrojans, Backdoors, Viruses and Worms Cryptography Penetration testing on Wireless NetworksPenetration TestingNOTE: This course is created only for educational purposes and all the attacks are launched in an isolated lab environment...
Jobs that use Network Infrastructure
- Assistant Network Manager
- Data Communications Analyst
- Director Of Information Services
- Director Of Network Engineering
- Director Of Network Services
- Interim Director-Information Technology
- LAN Administrator Lead
- Network Analyst Lead
- Network And Telecommunications Manager
- Network Infrastructure Engineer
- Network Infrastructure Manager
- Network Operations Project Manager
- Network Security Consultant
- Network Service Manager
- Network Services Project Manager
- Network Services Specialist
- Network Support Manager
- Regional Information Technology Manager
- Senior Manager, Network Operations
- Telecom Consultant