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How to find a job with Pre-Calculus skills

What is Pre-Calculus?

Pre-calculus refers to a course as a prerequisite in taking up Calculus subject. Usually, it deals with mathematical sequences and is divided into two categories: trigonometry and math analysis.

How is Pre-Calculus used?

Zippia reviewed thousands of resumes to understand how pre-calculus is used in different jobs. Explore the list of common job responsibilities related to pre-calculus below:

  • Used Texas Instruments graphing calculators for Differential Calculus and Pre-Calculus.
  • Worked with gifted and talented students in AP Calculus AB and BC as well as Pre-Calculus.
  • Lecture and instruct Algebra and Pre-Calculus classes in Concepts and Applications.
  • Teach the following course: Mathematics for Veterinary Technicians, Introduction to Algebra, Quantitative Methods, Pre-Calculus and Statistics.
  • Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate students on topics such as pre-calculus mathematics.
  • chair - teacher of AP Statistics, AP Calculus, Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry, Geometry2014 - present

Are Pre-Calculus skills in demand?

Yes, pre-calculus skills are in demand today. Currently, 122 job openings list pre-calculus skills as a requirement. The job descriptions that most frequently include pre-calculus skills are mathematics professor, mathematics lecturer, and math tutor.

How hard is it to learn Pre-Calculus?

Based on the average complexity level of the jobs that use pre-calculus the most: mathematics professor, mathematics lecturer, and math tutor. The complexity level of these jobs is advanced.

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What jobs can you get with Pre-Calculus skills?

You can get a job as a mathematics professor, mathematics lecturer, and math tutor with pre-calculus skills. After analyzing resumes and job postings, we identified these as the most common job titles for candidates with pre-calculus skills.

Mathematics Professor

  • Math
  • Student Learning
  • Intermediate Algebra
  • Syllabus
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Chemistry

Mathematics Lecturer

Job description:

A mathematics lecturer teaches courses that pertain to mathematical concepts and techniques. Their responsibilities are to instruct students on general or specialized areas of mathematics, prepare assignments and tests, evaluating grades, conduct mathematical research, and maintain their students' records. They should also provide office hours so that students can be individually assisted when they face challenges.

  • Math
  • Linear Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Undergraduate Courses
  • Differential Equations

Math Tutor

Job description:

A math tutor's role is to provide mathematical lessons on an individual or small group setting. Most sessions take place after class or during the weekends, usually outside school premises or at home. The tutor's responsibility is to develop strategies for better learning, address difficulties, assist in homework and advanced studies, evaluate progress, and provide encouragement to a student. It is also essential for a math tutor to establish rapport, providing a student with a healthy learning environment.

  • Math
  • Kids
  • Linear Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Trigonometry

Adjunct Mathematics Professor

Job description:

A mathematics professor focuses on instilling mathematical principles and theories in students. Teaching mathematics requires not only an expert grasp of the subject itself, but also above-average communication skills and a strong grasp of teaching techniques. An adjunct mathematics professor works like any other mathematics professor, but typically on a part-time basis. Most handle seasonal students or classes.

  • Math
  • Syllabus
  • Course Content
  • Professional Development
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Student Learning

Student Athlete Tutor

  • Student Athletes
  • Mathematics
  • NCAA
  • General Chemistry
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Class Material

How much can you earn with Pre-Calculus skills?

You can earn up to $64,521 a year with pre-calculus skills if you become a mathematics professor, the highest-paying job that requires pre-calculus skills. Mathematics lecturers can earn the second-highest salary among jobs that use Python, $53,255 a year.

Job TitleAverage SalaryHourly Rate
Mathematics Professor$64,521$31
Mathematics Lecturer$53,255$26
Math Tutor$34,609$17
Adjunct Mathematics Professor$59,876$29
Student Athlete Tutor$27,027$13

Companies using Pre-Calculus in 2025

The top companies that look for employees with pre-calculus skills are Mathnasium, Educate!, and Huntington Learning Center. In the millions of job postings we reviewed, these companies mention pre-calculus skills most frequently.

Departments using Pre-Calculus

DepartmentAverage Salary

3 courses for Pre-Calculus skills

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1. Pre-Calculus Video Series


This course will provide students with an in-depth overview of Pre-Calculus (advanced algebra and trigonometry).  All major Pre-Calc topics covered in most classes will also be covered in great detail in this course.  Students can use this video series to supplement all course instruction they are currently receiving, or even use this course as they progress through a virtual course...

2. College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, & Trigonometry Explained


Become a Master of College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, & Trigonometry and Ace your next Algebra/Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry Exam! In this course, you will master all concepts of College-Level Algebra and Trigonometry, from beginner to advanced, with our step-by-step video tutorials and test your knowledge with over 4500 Practice Test Questions. The concepts you will learn are fundamental to success in higher math classes such as Calculus and Linear Algebra. Note: the Algebra topics covered from Pre-Calculus are also covered in a College Algebra course. Please read below for further details.******************PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE PURCHASING THE COURSE******************The Pre-Calculus course that I offer on Udemy is a more concise version of this course. This course is meant to cover all of the major topics of Algebra, whereas the Pre-Calculus course only covers the more advanced topics. It starts from section 10 (graphs and functions) of this course. If you are struggling with basic Algebra (factoring, polynomials, solving equations...), then this is the course for you, otherwise, the Pre-Calculus course may be the better option. This course contains more practice questions via quiz questions and section quiz questions. Both courses contain the same Trigonometry content. Please do not buy both courses under any circumstance! If you buy this course, you will have access to all of the materials from the Pre-Calculus course. ******************PLEASE READ ABOVE BEFORE PURCHASING THE COURSE******************The topics of the course include: Review of Real NumbersOperations with PolynomialsFactoring PolynomialsRational ExpressionsRational ExponentsRadical ExpressionsSolving Linear Equations/Inequalities Solving Word Problems with Linear EquationsComplex NumbersSolving Quadratic Equations (Factoring, Completing the Square, Quadratic Formula)Solving Word Problems with Quadratic EquationsSolving Quadratic/Rational InequalitiesSolving Radical Equations/InequalitiesSolving Advanced Absolute Value Equations/InequalitiesThe Coordinate PlaneGraphing CirclesDistance and Midpoint FormulasRelations and FunctionsDomain and RangeVertical Line TestIncreasing, Decreasing, Constant IntervalsGraphing Linear FunctionsSlopeForms of a LineGraphs of Basic Equations (Parent Functions)Graphing Transformations Function OperationsThe Difference QuotientComposition of FunctionsSolving Linear Systems in Two/Three VariablesSolving Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two VariablesSolving Word Problems with Linear SystemsCurve Fitting, Finding the Equation of a Parabola Given Three PointsPartial Fraction DecompositionSolving Linear Systems using Gaussian Elimination and Gauss-Jordan EliminationMatrix Algebra (Adding Matrices, Multiplying Matrices, Solving Matrix Equations)Finding the Inverse of a MatrixSolving Linear Systems using the Inverse of a MatrixFinding the Determinant of a MatrixFinding the Inverse of a Matrix Using CofactorsSolving Linear Systems using Cramer's RuleApplications of determinants: Area of a Triangle, test for collinearity, equation of a lineDetermine if functions are one-to-one using the Horizontal line test/algebraic methodsFinding the Inverse of a One-to-One FunctionFinding the Inverse of a Domain Restricted FunctionGraphing the Inverse of a FunctionGraphing Exponential FunctionsSolving Exponential Equations with Like BasesSolving Compound Interest Word ProblemsSolving Continuous Compound Interest Word ProblemsGraphing Logarithmic FunctionsProperties of LogarithmsExpanding Logarithms Condensing LogarithmsChange of Base Rule for LogarithmsSolving Exponential and Logarithmic EquationsSolving Exponential and Logarithmic InequalitiesApplications of Exponential and Logarithmic FunctionsFinding the Vertex Form of a ParabolaHow to Graph a ParabolaThe Remainder TheoremUsing the Remainder Theorem to test for Zeros of a Polynomial FunctionThe Factor TheoremUsing the Factor Theorem to factor a polynomial function given one zeroUsing the Rational Zeros Theorem to find all possible rational zerosThe Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and the Number of Zeros TheoremWriting Polynomial Functions Given Zeros and a PointConjugate Zeros TheoremDescartes' Rule of SignsIntermediate Value TheoremBoundedness TheoremFind the upper and lower bounds for zeros of a polynomial functionSolving nonlinear systems of equationsConic Sections: Parabolas - Focus and Directrix Conic Sections: Ellipses - Finding the Foci and GraphingArithmetic SequencesArithmetic SeriesGeometric SequencesGeometric SeriesSets, Subsets, Venn DiagramsUnion of Two or More SetsIntersection of Two or More SetsThe Binomial TheoremCounting TheoryCombinationsPermutationsProbabilityAngles in TrigonometryComplementary and Supplementary AnglesWorking with Degrees, Minutes, and SecondsConverting between Decimal Degrees and Degrees, Minutes, and SecondsDetermine if two angles are coterminal anglesFinding angle measures for similar trianglesFinding side lengths for similar trianglesFinding the Trigonometric Function Values of an AngleFinding the Trigonometric function Values of an Angle Given a Point on the Terminal SideFinding Trigonometric Function Values Given One Value and the QuadrantFinding Trigonometric Function Values Based on Pythagorean IdentitiesFinding Trigonometric Function Values Based on Quotient IdentitiesFinding Trigonometric Function Values of Acute AnglesWriting Trigonometric Functions in Terms of its CofunctionSolving Trigonometric Equations Using Cofunction IdentitiesReference AnglesFinding Trigonometric Function Values of Non-Acute AnglesFinding Angle Measures with Special AnglesFinding Trigonometric Function Values Using a CalculatorFinding Missing Angle Measures Using Inverse Trigonometric Functions: arcsin, arccos, arctanSolving Right TrianglesSolving Word Problems with angles of elevationSolving Word Problems with angles of depressionRadian MeasureConverting Between Radians and DegreesFinding the Arc Length on a CircleFinding the Area of a Sector of a CircleDefining the Six Trigonometric Functions Using the Unit CircleSolving Trigonometry Word Problems that Involve Linear and Angular SpeedGraphing Sine and CosineGraphing Function Transformations of Sine and CosineFinding the Amplitude, Period and Phase Shift for Trigonometric FunctionsUsing the Fundamental Identities to find missing Trigonometric RatiosUsing the Fundamental Identities to rewrite Trigonometric ExpressionsVerifying Trigonometric IdentitiesSum and Difference Identities for Sine, Cosine, and TangentFinding sin(A + B), cos(A + B), and tan(A + B)Finding sin(A - B), cos(A - B), and tan(A - B)Finding Trigonometric Function values using Double-Angle IdentitiesWorking with Product-to-Sum and Sum-to-Product IdentitiesWorking with Half-Angle IdentitiesEvaluating Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsGraphing Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsFinding the Composition of Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsSolving Trigonometric Equations Using Linear MethodsSolving Trigonometric Equations by FactoringSolving Trigonometric Equations by Squaring/Square RootsSolving Trigonometric Equations Using IdentitiesSolving Trigonometric Equations Using the Quadratic FormulaSolving Trigonometric Equations with Half-AnglesSolving Trigonometric Equations with Multiple AnglesSolving Trigonometric Equations Involving Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsThe Law of Sines (ASA)The Law of Sines (SAA)The Area of a Triangle using Sine (SAS)The Law of Sines Ambiguous case (SSA)The Law of Cosines (SAS), (SSS)The Area of a Triangle using Heron's FormulaFinding the Component Form of a VectorFinding the Magnitude of a VectorFinding the Direction Angle of a VectorFinding the Sum (resultant) of Two VectorsMultiplying a Vector by a ScalarHow to Find the Unit VectorHow to Write a Linear Combination of Unit VectorsHow to Find the Dot ProductHow to Find the Angle Between Two VectorsHow to Determine if Two Vectors are OrthogonalHow to Add Two Complex Numbers GraphicallyFind the Trigonometric (Polar) Form of a Complex NumberConvert a Complex Number between the Rectangular Form and Polar FormMultiplying Complex Numbers in Polar FormDividing Complex Numbers in Polar FormProduct and Quotient TheoremsDe Moivre's TheoremPowers of Complex Numbers in Polar FormRoots of Complex Numbers in Polar FormSolving Equations Using Roots of Complex NumbersThe Polar Coordinate SystemPlotting Polar Coordinates on the Polar GridConverting Between Polar Coordinates and Rectangular CoordinatesWriting Polar Coordinates in Multiple FormsFinding the Distance Between Two Polar PointsConverting Linear Equations Between Rectangular and Polar FormsGraphing Lines on the Polar Coordinate PlaneConverting Circles from Polar to Rectangular FormGraphing Circles on the Polar GridFinding the Inclination of a LineFinding the Angle Between Two LinesFinding the Shortest Distance Between a Point and a Line...

3. Perfect Your Mathematical Skills (Pre-Calculus Course)


This course is carefully designed to explain various topics of Basic Math, Algebra 1 & 2, Pre-Calculus. It has 104 lectures spanning 15+ hours of on-demand videos that are divided into 17 sections. Each topic is explained extensively - by solving multiple questions along with the student during the lectures. The students are also provided and encouraged to solve practice questions & quizzes provided at the end of each topic. This course will give you firm understanding of the fundamentals and is designed in a way that a person with little or no previous knowledge can also understand very well. Topics covered in the course: IntegersIndicesPrime numbers DecimalsOperations on FractionsRational NumbersIrrational NumbersLogarithmsLines and Angles Polygons: Sides, Angles and DiagonalsCoordinate GeometryArithmetic Progression Geometric Progressions FunctionsBinomial TheoremHere's what some students say about the course: This is a good course to brush up your math skills. Even for beginners, it is very good. There are many points in this course which I learned are very helpful. The instructor's knowledge is superb and knows how to keep the students engaged!!! - Ismeet Singh SalujaI have a big phobia of math. Taking this course has helped me ease the fear of math. Thus far the instructor is demystifying the subject for me - Isabel QuezadaThis short course is like a refreshing mathematical knowledge. It is also a test of my knowledge. I got all quizzes correct. Thank you, Ruchi Chhabra - Rabin HadaGreat teaching style. Very clear explanations. Easy to follow - Jackie MillerThis is a comprehensive course in mathematical skills. I enjoyed this course! - Tan DuongWith this course you'll also get: Full lifetime access to Perfect Your Mathematical SkillsComplete support for any question, clarification or difficulty you might face on the topicUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money-back guaranteeFeel free to contact me for any questions or clarifications you might have. I look forward to seeing you in the course!:)...