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SoCalGas salary estimate


$32.41 hourly rate

Entry-level salary
$38,000 yearly salary
Updated April 25, 2024

How much does SoCalGas pay?

The average SoCalGas salary in the United States is $67,405 per year. SoCalGas salaries range between $38,000 a year in the bottom 10th percentile to $116,000 in the top 90th percentile. SoCalGas pays $32.41 an hour on average. Geographic location also impacts SoCalGas salaries. SoCalGas employees in Los Angeles, CA get paid the most.

Highest paying jobs at SoCalGas

The highest paying jobs at SoCalGas are computer systems manager, senior java developer, project manager, and senior advisor. Computer systems manager jobs at SoCalGas earn an average yearly salary of $162,084, SoCalGas senior java developer jobs average $138,628, and SoCalGas project manager jobs average $123,383.

The lowest paying SoCalGas roles include cashier and data entry clerk. SoCalGas cashier average salary is $36,314 per year. So while the average SoCalGas salary is $67,405 there is a big variation in pay depending on the role.

Highest paying jobs at SoCalGas

RankJob TitleAverage SoCalGas SalaryHourly Rate
1Computer Systems Manager$162,084$77.93
2Senior Java Developer$138,628$66.65
3Project Manager$123,383$59.32
4Senior Advisor$113,191$54.42
5Field Instructor$112,493$54.08
6Team Leader$111,710$53.71
7Account Executive$108,448$52.14
8Business Analyst$108,214$52.03
9Technical Advisor$105,520$50.73
10Cobol Programmer$104,259$50.12
11Piping Designer$101,459$48.78
12Alternative Energy Technician$97,661$46.95
13Energy Consultant$94,964$45.66
14Gas Meter Reader$93,554$44.98
15Project Specialist$91,838$44.15
16Weld Inspector$91,193$43.84
17Process Engineer$90,158$43.35
18Construction Technician$88,997$42.79
19Cost Accountant$86,906$41.78
20Computer Aided Design Designer$85,857$41.28

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SoCalGas salaries by department

Salaries at SoCalGas vary depending on the department you work in. SoCalGas salaries in the it department are the highest with an average salary of $106,054. Employees in the marketing department at SoCalGas receive relatively high salaries as well, with an average salary of $99,968 per year. Departments that don't pay as well at SoCalGas include the customer service and the administrative organizational functions, with employees earning average salaries of $43,709 and $49,714, respectively.

Average SoCalGas salary by department

RankDepartmentAverage SoCalGas SalaryHourly Rate
3Research & Development$94,087$45.23
7Business Development$81,953$39.40
9Non Profit/Government$77,593$37.30
10Human Resources$77,329$37.18
17Customer Service$43,709$21.01

How much does SoCalGas pay by department?

Best paying SoCalGas customer service salaries

RankPositionAverage SoCalGas SalaryHourly Rate
1Land Agent$86,371$41.52
2Field Technician$49,430$23.76
3Customer Service Technician$47,213$22.70
4Claims Associate$46,645$22.43
5Call Center Representative$39,126$18.81
6Customer Service Representative$38,679$18.60

Best paying SoCalGas engineering salaries

RankPositionAverage SoCalGas SalaryHourly Rate
1Software Development Manager$166,524$80.06
2Technical Project Manager$144,702$69.57
3Senior Java Developer$138,628$66.65
4Project Leader$137,527$66.12
5Web Architect$134,997$64.90
6Senior Software Engineer$128,809$61.93
7J2ee Developer$107,887$51.87
8Computer Consultant$106,107$51.01
9Cobol Programmer$104,259$50.12
10Piping Designer$101,459$48.78
11Telecommunications Specialist$97,307$46.78
12Systems Engineer$93,394$44.90
13Telecommunications Analyst$88,679$42.63
14GIS Technician$88,563$42.58
15Data Analyst$88,272$42.44
16Design Technician$88,126$42.37
17Computer Aided Design Designer$85,857$41.28
18Engineering Associate$85,550$41.13
19Instrument Specialist$82,515$39.67
20Engineering Internship$53,625$25.78

Best paying SoCalGas administrative salaries

RankPositionAverage SoCalGas SalaryHourly Rate
1Facility Supervisor$94,513$45.44
2Department Assistant$87,833$42.23
3Office Supervisor$78,255$37.62
4Executive Administrator$71,493$34.37
5Case Administrator$50,313$24.19
6Administrative Associate$47,429$22.80
7Administrative Assistant$45,514$21.88
8Data Entry Operator$44,767$21.52
9Project Management Internship$43,229$20.78
10Records Clerk$42,553$20.46
11Data Entry Clerk$38,328$18.43

SoCalGas competitors’ average salaries

Average salaries at SoCalGas competitors, like Pacific Gas and Electric, Sempra Energy, and Southern California Edison, vary. Pacific Gas and Electric employees earn the highest salaries, with an average yearly salary of $89,237. The average salary at Sempra Energy is $88,283 per year, and the average salary at Southern California Edison is $83,764 per year.

Highest paying SoCalGas competitors

RankCompany NameZippia ScoreAverage Salary
1Pacific Gas and Electric4.9$89,237
2Sempra Energy4.7$88,283
3Southern California Edison4.2$83,764
5Portland General Electric4.8$79,561
6NV Energy4.9$75,107
7San Diego Gas & Electric4.8$74,983
8Florida Power & Light4.8$74,035
9The Williams Companies4.9$72,686
10PNM Resources4.8$71,138
11Salt River Project4.0$65,979
12National Grid plc4.5$62,844
13Energy Transfer Solutions4.4$62,142
14Southwestern Electric Power4.0$61,690
15Pepco Holdings4.8$61,575
16Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc.4.8$56,653
17Kinder Morgan4.8$50,756
20Columbia Gas of Ohio4.5$49,387

What employees say about salary at SoCalGas

Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Nov 2024
Pros of working at SoCalGas

getting paid, pension, paid holidays

Cons of working at SoCalGas

HR is non existence, employees call ethics hotline to report bullying, HR investigates does nothing.

SoCalGas Benefits


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A zippia user wrote a review on Oct 2024
Pros of working at SoCalGas


Cons of working at SoCalGas

HR is a joke , do nothing. Employees report bullying by other employees Nada.

SoCalGas Benefits


What do you like best about SoCalGas's CEO and the leadership team?

Good leadership, driving Company into profitability

How would you improve SoCalGas's culture?

Fire all of HR, get proactive HR employees.

How did you prepare for the SoCalGas interview?

I didn’t.

How does your compensation at SoCalGas compare to the industry average?

Below average unless your union employee double time, meal allowance.

What's the diversity at SoCalGas like?

If your a woman or any other ethnicity but white you will get promoted not always most qualified employees get promoted.

What brings you the most joy at SoCalGas?

Getting paid.

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Frequently asked questions about SoCalGas salaries

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of SoCalGas, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about SoCalGas. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at SoCalGas. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by SoCalGas. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of SoCalGas and its employees or that of Zippia.

SoCalGas may also be known as or be related to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO, SoCalGas, Socalgas, Southern California Gas Co, Southern California Gas Co., Southern California Gas Company and The Southern California Gas Company.