Post Job
Updated April 5, 2024

Average TECO-Westinghouse salary in Nevada


$31.04 hourly

Entry-level TECO-Westinghouse salary in Nevada

$34,000 yearly

How much does TECO-Westinghouse pay in Nevada?

The average TECO-Westinghouse salary in Nevada is $64,556. TECO-Westinghouse salaries range between $34,000 to $121,000 per year in Nevada. TECO-Westinghouse Nevada based pay is lower than TECO-Westinghouse's United States average salary of $65,124. The best-paying job in Nevada at TECO-Westinghouse is chief finance officer, which pays an average of $161,130 annually.

TECO-Westinghouse salaries in Nevada by job title

TECO-Westinghouse’s highest-paying job in Nevada is chief finance officer, with an average salary of $161,130. In second place is engineering director, which pays $151,674 annually in Nevada.

Highest paying jobs at TECO-Westinghouse in Nevada

RankJob titleAverage TECO-Westinghouse salaryHourly pay
1Chief Finance Officer$161,130$77
2Engineering Director$151,674$73
3Human Resources Lead$146,045$70
4Principal Engineer$137,780$66
5Senior Designer$136,445$66
6National Sales Manager$128,432$62
7Configuration Manager$120,124$58
8Research And Development Manager$115,389$55
9Design Team Lead$115,307$55
10Research And Development Senior Engineer$113,899$55

Highest paying cities in Nevada for TECO-Westinghouse

The highest paying cities in Nevada for TECO-Westinghouse employees are Reno, undefined, and undefined.

TECO-Westinghouse workers in Reno earn an average salary of $66,419 a year, compared to undefined with an average salary of undefined and undefined with an average salary of undefined.

Highest paying cities in Nevada at TECO-Westinghouse

RankCityAverage TECO-Westinghouse salaryHourly pay
1Reno, NV$66,419$32

TECO-Westinghouse salaries in Nevada by department

The departments with the highest salaries for TECO-Westinghouse employees in Nevada are Finance, Research & Development, and Art/Design.

Nevada TECO-Westinghouse employees in the Finance department earn an average salary of $112,626 a year, compared to an average salary of $101,461 in the Research & Development department and $91,482 in the Art/Design department.

Highest paying departments at TECO-Westinghouse in Nevada

RankDepartmentAverage TECO-Westinghouse salaryHourly pay
2Research & Development$101,461$49
4Human Resources$83,727$40
7Supply Chain$78,597$38

How much does TECO-Westinghouse pay by state

TECO-Westinghouse pays the highest salaries in Nevada ($64,556), Texas ($63,997), Pennsylvania ($62,714), Iowa ($57,963), and South Carolina ($56,557).

Nevada is the #1 highest paid state at TECO-Westinghouse.

Highest paying states at TECO-Westinghouse

RankStateAverage TECO-Westinghouse salaryHourly pay
5South Carolina$56,557$27

TECO-Westinghouse competitors salaries in Nevada

The highest paying TECO-Westinghouse competitor in Nevada is Xylem. The average salary at Xylem in Nevada is $161,130. The lowest paying TECO-Westinghouse competitor in Nevada is Presstek.
RankCompany nameAverage pay in NevadaHourly pay
2Bosch Security Systems Inc$69,767$34
3Sargent Manufacturing$62,215$30
4Air Liquide$60,052$29
5Trinity Biotech$59,997$29
6Atlas Copco North America LLC$58,892$28
7Union Carbide$57,333$28
8ICI American Holdings Inc.$51,506$25

Frequently asked questions about TECO-Westinghouse pay in Nevada

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