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Average The Boldt Company salary in San Francisco, CA


$26.38 hourly rate

Entry-level The Boldt Company salary in San Francisco
$29,000 yearly
Updated April 5, 2024

How much does The Boldt Company pay in San Francisco, CA?

The average The Boldt Company salary in San Francisco, CA is $54,880. The Boldt Company salaries range between $29,000 to $103,000 per year in San Francisco. The Boldt Company San Francisco based pay is higher than The Boldt Company's United States average salary of $44,220. The best-paying job in San Francisco at The Boldt Company is information technology systems director, which pays an average of $181,455 annually.

The Boldt Company employees in San Francisco make $24,120 less than the average salary in San Francisco, $79,000.

The Boldt Company salaries in San Francisco, CA by job title

The Boldt Company’s highest-paying job in San Francisco, CA is information technology systems director, with an average salary of $181,455. The second highest is engineering manager, which pays $172,929 annually in San Francisco, CA.

Highest paying jobs at The Boldt Company in San Francisco, CA

RankJob TitleAvarage The Boldt Company SalaryHourly Pay
1Information Technology Systems Director$181,455$87
2Engineering Manager$172,929$83
3Senior Project Manager$128,888$62
4Mechanical Field Engineer$120,629$58
5Application Engineer$120,377$58
6Director Of Human Resources$118,683$57
7Production Engineer$112,584$54
8Marketing And Creative Director$111,279$54
9Safety Manager$108,761$52
10Maintenance Engineer$103,622$50

The Boldt Company salaries in San Francisco, CA by department

The departments with the highest salaries for The Boldt Company employees in San Francisco are IT, Engineering, and Plant/Manufacturing.

San Francisco The Boldt Company employees in the IT department earn an average salary of $85,953 a year, compared to an average salary of $82,765 in the Engineering department and $77,234 in the Plant/Manufacturing department.

Highest-paying departments at The Boldt Company in San Francisco, CA

RankDepartmentAvarage The Boldt Company SalaryHourly Pay
4Human Resources$63,839$31

How much does The Boldt Company pay by city?

The cities near San Francisco, CA where The Boldt Company pays the highest salaries are San Francisco ($54,880), Chicago ($43,945), Appleton ($42,134), Oklahoma City ($37,724) and

Highest-paying cities near San Francisco, CA at The Boldt Company

RankCityAvarage The Boldt Company SalaryHourly Pay
1San Francisco$54,880$26
4Oklahoma City$37,724$18

The Boldt Company’s competitor’s salaries in San Francisco, CA

The highest paying The Boldt Company competitor in San Francisco, CA is Mortenson. The average salary at Mortenson in San Francisco, CA is $181,455. The lowest paying The Boldt Company competitor in San Francisco, CA is Signature Building Systems.

Highest-paying The Boldt Company competitors in San Francisco, CA

RankCompany NameAvarage Pay in San Francisco, CAHourly Pay
3CR Meyer$64,389$31
5Signature Building Systems$52,484$25

Recently added The Boldt Company salaries in San Francisco, CA

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Senior Project Manager ConstructionSan Francisco, CA10/17/2024$168,300
Senior Project SpecialistSan Francisco, CA10/15/2024$88,300
Construction ManagerSan Francisco, CA09/26/2024$127,600
Project EngineerSan Francisco, CA09/19/2024$72,900
Project ManagerSan Francisco, CA09/16/2024$127,600

Frequently asked questions about The Boldt Company pay in San Francisco, CA

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