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What Is On-The-Job Training? (With Examples)

By Kristin Kizer
Feb. 2, 2023

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Summary. On-the-job training is a method of training that teaches you how to do a job after you’ve already been hired and are doing the job. There are many different types of on-the-job training, including job rotations, apprenticeships, and job shadowing.

You’ve decided it’s time to look for a new career. Unfortunately, the job you want requires on-the-job training.

How can you get training on the job when you can’t even get the job in the first place?

We will go over what on-the-job training is, the different types of training, and provide some example jobs that require it.

Key Takeaways:

  • The reason on-the-job training is important is that the exact same job in two different companies may have a different approach, different computer programs, and unique ways of handling the job tasks.

  • You should never feel thrown off if an employer requires on-the-job training. It’s not that they doubt your ability; it’s just they need things done a certain way.

  • Almost all jobs do some kind of on-the-job training, just some jobs have a more in-depth training than others.

What is On-The-Job Training with examples.

What Is On-the-Job Training?

On-the-job training is exactly what it sounds like. You get the job and then you learn how to do it while you’re working. Don’t worry, they’re not going to throw you out into the field to figure out how to do it yourself.

When employers say that on-the-job training is important, they expect to do the training.

  • They know that their industry (whatever it may be) is pretty tricky to navigate and learning how to do it typically takes actual hands-on experience doing the job.

  • It could be that the job is very specialized or that the equipment is something most people don’t encounter regularly.

  • The job could also require intimate knowledge of the field.

In fact, when you think about it, every job you’ve ever had does a little on-the-job training. Even if you’re just going to be pushing buttons every day, you still need to learn which buttons to push.

If you score a job that has on-the-job training, make sure to take advantage of this time to really learn the business.

  • You’ll probably be job shadowing for a while. That means you’ll follow someone around to watch how they do the job. Typically, they’ll explain what they’re doing and why and even give you a chance to try it.

  • You may get some hands-on experience so you can get a feel for the job. This also helps reinforce what you were told. Don’t expect to be perfect here; this is part of the training and you’re still learning.

  • You’ll be sent out on jobs and mainly be handling them yourself. You might still have a mentor shadowing you to make sure you’re doing things right but you’re almost a pro now.

Types of On-the-Job Training

There are a few different ways of learning on the job. The interesting thing is that you might be doing more than one of these as you’re getting up to speed in your new position. Each one is designed to give you the practical experience you need to do the job efficiently and effectively, but they take different approaches.

  1. Orientation. This is probably the most common type of workplace training and it’s often not even considered on-the-job training. When you start a new job (any new job) you’re going to need an orientation to the environment and the processes involved.

    You may also find that your orientation covers things like the corporate culture, benefits packages, the company’s leadership and policies, and you’ll probably go through all of your paperwork.

  2. Mentoring and job shadowing. This is probably one of the most common methods of training anyone to do a job. Typically, a person who is very adept at the job shows the new hire how to do the job. They will do it themselves and then let the employee try. Often giving suggestions or feedback along the way.

    Sometimes this method only takes a few days or weeks, but in many situations, it can be a very long process that extends for months or even years. It’s crucial, for this technique to be successful, that you have a great mentor.

  3. Coworker training. In this situation, your training will come from someone who is doing the same job that you will be doing. There’s no hierarchy here and it’s a little different than a mentoring situation. You can expect your co-worker to show you the ins and outs of the job and give you tips on how to do it.

    But they’re not going to spend months or years teaching you how to do your job. It’s a much briefer experience and less involved. But they may let you in on some office gossip or shortcuts to doing your job.

  4. Job rotation. Job rotation training is typically designed to give you an overview of the entire process, not just one position. It’s a great way to look at the big picture and see how each piece of the job puzzle comes together.

  5. Internship training. This is the workforce development position that every college student craves. Getting an internship and then the valuable training that comes with it can mean everything when it comes time to start your career.

    This training is usually done more for the benefit of the intern than the company. Their whole focus is to give you experience in the real world but not necessarily their company specifics.

  6. Self-instruction training. This can be the trickiest method of learning how to do a job, especially if it’s new to you. Some people prefer the figure-it-out-yourself method and others simply flounder.

    If you are doing self-instruction, just know that there are people to help you along the way. It’s also important to give yourself a break and don’t expect to be perfect – this is training after all.

  7. Apprenticeship training. You’ve probably heard of apprenticeships. Being an apprentice is usually a stepping stone between some education or curriculum-based training and becoming an expert or a tradesman.

    An apprentice has some knowledge of the field, but they still need to learn a lot and hone their job skills. It depends on the profession, but many apprenticeship jobs last for a few years until the employee is ready for some type of certification.

Examples of On-the-Job Training Careers

There are some industries that rely on on-the-job training, typically apprenticeships, to round out their employee knowledge and expertise. You might have had one occupation in the back of your mind throughout this whole article that does this. These careers simply couldn’t function as well as they do if they didn’t have strong employee training programs in place.

  • Plumber. This is one profession that is well-known for its apprentice program, which is a big part of the road to becoming a plumber. The pay is great, and the training is extensive, which makes this the perfect career for some.

  • HVAC technician. If being an HVAC Technician is your career goal, you’re going to be thankful that there are extensive on-the-job training procedures.

    Expect to follow seasoned technicians around, watch and practice operating tools and equipment, and learn how to manage customers in person and usually on the phone, too. Review safety standards, protocols, and procedures. And master the ins and outs of the equipment you use and that which is installed in people’s homes and businesses.

  • Factory worker. There is a level of safety required in all factory jobs, mainly because of the equipment involved. If you’re interested in working in a factory, you can expect to have quite a bit of on-the-job training.

    It’s not uncommon to learn many positions in the factory, not just yours, so you have a broad understanding of the importance your role plays in the overall picture.

  • Medical and healthcare jobs. Many careers in medicine and healthcare include internships. Even your doctor performed an extensive internship or residency where they were allowed to treat patients but still doing so under a mentor or supervisor.

    This on-the-job training is crucial to them being great doctors who understand the difference between book learning and education and working with an actual human being.

  • Teachers. What is a student-teacher? It’s really just someone who is training to become a teacher while working on the job.

    Student teachers are a fantastic example of on-the-job training because, as students, most people have experienced this type of career training. You got to see their training first-hand and be a part of it. It’s proof that this type of professional experience works.

On-the-Job Training Categories

When discussing your new job with an HR representative, you might hear some OJT (on-the-job training) terminology get thrown around, and it’s important to understand the nuances of each term.

  • Standalone OJT. This form of on-the-job training is typically used for employees who already have experience and just need a bit of guidance in company-specific processes. Standalone OJT usually takes the form of job shadowing alongside a bit of hands-on practice with and without supervision.

  • Blended learning. Blended learning makes more sense when new hires don’t have much (or any) experience in the field. It usually involves instruction in the form of videos, quizzes, attending online or in-person classes, and/or reading documents and being verbally assessed on the materials.

    At the same time or soon after completing instruction, employees also begin hands-on training and job shadowing under a mentor.

You might also hear a new employer describe your OJT as structured or unstructured.

  • Structured OJT. Under a structured training program, the process of becoming a fully-trained employee is written out in company materials. There’s a plan in place for everything, alongside checklists, goals and target measures, specified supervisors, and anything else you can think of.

    Structured OJT makes more sense for employees who are relatively new to the field or are about to take on a project that involves new technology. These programs cost more and take longer, but usually end up with better results.

  • Unstructured OJT. The thing about unstructured on-the-job training is that everyone goes through it, even if nobody calls it that. But at most jobs, you’ll be assigned under someone’s wing, and they’ll introduce you to the people you need to know, all of whom play a role in training you for the various aspects of your job.

    Unstructured OJT works best for jobs that don’t require highly specialized knowledge or adhering to strict protocols and policies.

On-the-Job Training Advantages for Employers

Today, maybe more than ever before, training on the job seems very important. Technology has invaded just about every industry, field, and profession and each job has a different way of doing things.

  1. Learning while on the job is more about safety than anything else. If you happen to work in an industry that deals with hazardous materials or machinery, it’s crucial that you know how to do your job safely and effectively. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) highly recommends on-the-job education and training for workplace hazards to boost job safety.

  2. For employers, one of the most compelling reasons to feature a strong on-the-job training program is financial. Training at work can save money for companies in several ways.

    • Less costly errors

    • Employee retention is higher

    • Reduction in accidents

    • Retained and happy customers

    • Higher rates of production

  3. Training opportunities are often as beneficial for the trainer as the trainee. For those whose career goals include leadership, giving them this part-time chance to lead entry-level employees can be a game-changer.

  4. Trainees will offer feedback on the training program as well. This is increasing the quality of your internal training. And when everyone’s brought up to speed more quickly, in terms of culture, work environment, strengths, weaknesses, and expectations, everyone wins.

Benefits of On-the-Job Training for Employees

If you happen to land a job that features on-the-job training, be grateful. While some people may see working and training at the same time as a slow-down on their path to their dream career. Other people will see it for what it is, a great chance to be even more successful, and here’s why.

  • Paid training. Let’s face it, you don’t know everything. If you have an employer who is willing to teach you new things and improve your knowledge base while paying you – well, that’s a win.

  • Improved skills. Everyone can stand to work on doing their job better. Whether it’s detailed work that takes the finesse of an artist or you simply want to be faster or do more, improving your skills is a fantastic goal.

  • The team spirit. When the whole crew is working together and everyone has been trained in their area, it’s a beautiful thing. Training gives everyone on the team a place they understand. It starts the entire process off on the right foot with a clear delineation of duties. This establishes expertise and promotes competence and confidence.

  • Hands-on learning. For some people, being told how to do something is one thing but doing it is another. If you’re a haptic learner, then you know there is no substitute for on-the-job training. It lets you physically, visually, aurally, and interactively learn how to do something. That means you’re going to retain the knowledge and feel much more confident in your abilities.

How to Get the Most Out of On-the-Job Training

  • Study independently. If the job you’re taking on involves complex subject matter that’s taking some time to wrap your head around, give yourself an edge by working on your skills during your off-hours.

    It doesn’t have to be as major as taking an online course or buying a textbook — even just watching some YouTube videos and messing around on a personal project can help keep you focused and on track.

  • Be patient. A lot of training programs out there aren’t totally efficient or great at delivering information. We’ve all sat through half-hour training videos that contain about 20 seconds of useful content.

    Don’t get frustrated with the program or the people you’re shadowing, as you’re still making your first impression at the company.

  • Ask questions. At any point during your training, you should feel free to ask questions. The whole point of training is to clarify the processes, goals, and expectations of the role. If you think of questions during a video or presentation, write them down so you don’t forget.

  • Record training sessions. Today’s world of Zoom meetings offers a big advantage for trainees — the ability to record your training sessions. This is especially useful if a coworker or supervisor screen shares and shows you exactly how to do something that you need to repeat later on.

    For those who are receiving training sessions in person, do your best to take notes or even record audio of an explanation.

On-the-Job Training FAQ

  1. What is one difference between a vocational school and on-the-job training?

    One difference between a vocational school and on-the-job training is that a vocational school prepares you to work at a variety of companies, while on-the-job training prepares you to work at a particular company. You might cover many of the same skills in these two programs, however.

    Vocational schools are designed to teach you a set of skills that you can then use to get a job. Then, once you’ve started that job, your employer will provide on-the-job training to hone your skills and make sure you’re followiong the company’s procedures and preferred methods.

  2. What is off-the-job versus on-the-job training?

    Off-the-job training is training provided away from your job, while on-the-job training is provided at your job while you’re doing it. An example of off-the-job training is a college class or professional conference.

    An example of on-the-job training is your manager walking you through a work task as you do it for the first time.


  1. Southern Careers Institute – What Is On-the-Job Training?

  2. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – On-the-Job Training

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Kristin Kizer

Kristin Kizer is an award-winning writer, television and documentary producer, and content specialist who has worked on a wide variety of written, broadcast, and electronic publications. A former writer/producer for The Discovery Channel, she is now a freelance writer and delighted to be sharing her talents and time with the wonderful Zippia audience.

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