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5 Email Tips for Effective Leadership

By Conor McMahon - Dec. 21, 2022
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In times of instant messaging, email is still one of the most popular forms of business communication.

The rise of social media still hasn’t affected the popularity and widespread use of email. Leaders, more than anyone, have to be adept at email communication. It’s their main tool for accomplishing daily tasks relating to communication and correspondence.

To be an effective leader, you have to be consistent in your communication with both employees and business partners. Use these five email tips to establish effective leadership and correctly depict all your ideas through email communication.

Implement them, and you will immediately notice improvements in communication within the entire hierarchy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Make sure you choose your words carefully when writing an email and make sure you take your time to understand what the person is saying.

  • Encourage two-way communication because it helps encourage feedback.

  • Be moderately positive and never mention a mistake in a group email.

5 Effective Tips For Effective Leadership

5 Email Tips for Effective Leadership

  1. Be Moderately Positive

    When writing emails as a leader, a reckless expression is unacceptable. Every employee is a team member and the way you communicate directly affects people’s performance.

    Our basic nature dictates that we seek praise from others around us, so being negative and behaving in an admonishing manner is unacceptable. If one of your team members made a mistake, never mention it in group emails or begin the email with a negative statement.

    Mistakes happen to everyone, and it’s in everyone’s interest that they don’t get repeated. Thus, you need to encourage and build trust with the employees. Sounding positive will extract much more effort from everyone, just because they know you still believe in them. However, this doesn’t mean you should restrain yourself from remarks.

    • What matters most is just how you word your constructive criticism when responding to a person.

    • Don’t use too many words and sugarcoat the remark. You should always follow it with a positive-sounding sentence, one that acknowledges effort encourages.

    • If there is a serious matter involved, avoid discussing it in detail over an email. Primarily, you need to mention the problem and invite those needed to discuss it. This shows that you’re a serious leader who respects the importance of face-to-face conversation.

    • Never be afraid to ask questions. Your interlocutors will be more inspired knowing that you have taken an interest in something they said.
  • Plan Your Communication Window For Better Effectiveness

    Did you know that leaders spend approximately 80% of their workday communicating? As impressive at it seems, too much email communication can have an adverse effect on both you and your ventures.

    • Be on top of your game. Whether you’re speaking to clients or planning a project with your associates, you need to be at the top of your game. If you’re tired, you won’t be able to recognize important details or give effective and useful input to those who ask.

    • Everyone understands that leaders are humans too. Have a 1-hour window that you will dedicate to something else. It can be a lunch break or planning a marketing campaign. Regardless, you need a certain amount of time to give your brain a rest.

    • Take breaks. Communication strains our mind in a way which many of us don’t realize. It takes a lot of effort to understand the point of someone’s words and give an effective answer or ask a question.

      With a break in your communication window, you will be able to respond to email in a much better manner. As your brain is rested, you will type faster, be more concentrated and focus on every task exclusively.

    • Don’t check email at home. You should avoid checking your business mail when you’re resting at home. Be responsible and make sure your email communication time is effectively used.

  • Choose Your Words Carefully

    As a leader, your words can motivate or discourage, depending on what you insert in an email message. It is your job to encourage employees and be a positive representative when talking to clients. Therefore, don’t hurry when writing emails. Nobody will think highly of you as a leader if you respond with sloppy messages that were written in 5 minutes.

    Take the time to respond slowly and be sure you understand the person. Ask if something is unclear. The goal of effective email communication is to reach a goal properly, not to reach it fast. Take a deep breath and walk around the office if you feel overwhelmed. After you’ve calmed down, you won’t risk erratic responses and misunderstandings.

  • Another important aspect of effective leadership is campaign emails. When you’re launching a new product or service, it’s important to mass-send emails that will notify all important clients, associates, and colleagues.

    Campaign emails are sensitive to write, and you should never create them if you have a large workload. Instead, outsource emails, using various proofreading and writing services. Some of the best are:

    • Wizessay – this online service specializes in correcting and creating business emails. They can both create sets of new emails for a campaign or correct ones that you wrote.

    • Australian Essays – with this proofreading service, you can ensure that all emails will be free of spelling mistakes and that the tone is appropriate. They also specialize in research papers and whitepapers.

    • Assignment Geek – nothing beats human editing. If you’re in need of urgent email corrections, Assignment Geek can deliver the final version in less than 12 hours in certain cases.

    Remember, nobody knows how much time you’ve spent preparing an email. Don’t rush and use the time to get the best possible product. Trying to create a concept as quickly as possible is nothing but your ego talking. A good leader prioritizes results more than proving his own capabilities to himself.

  • Proposals Give You a Bit More Freedom

    When you’re communicating about routine matters with your employees, it’s important to be swift. After all, sending information is all about efficiency, right? Not quite. One notable exception is business proposals.

    Business proposals give you the opportunity to be as verbose as you wish, using all the necessary syntactical tools to convert your ideas into sentences. When you’re sending an associate or business partner ideas, don’t hesitate to be descriptive.

    • New projects require significant analysis. Your team members and anyone involved will appreciate the myriad of details they will understand from your emails.

    • The best adjectives are necessary ones. The ones that exist as the first part of an idiom. They make the description seem more familiar to the reader, allowing them to visualize what you wanted to say.

    • Use strong verbs and cut down on the adverbs. You need to send a clear message. If you need more details, insert more verbs and use shorter sentences. An active sentence is more effective than a passive one.

  • Encourage Two-Way Communication

    Use various linguistic tools to encourage feedback. Take a basic thought and write it down. For practice, try to develop one single idea in multiple ways, so that they urge the reader to respond and express his own opinion.  Use tools such as:

    • Rhetorical questions. Don’t overuse them. The ideal spot for inserting a rhetorical question is at the end of a paragraph, as a summarizing tool.

    • Direct questions. Never beat around the bush. If you need to know something, you have to act like a leader. Inquire directly, without any unnecessary details within or around the question.

    Effective leader don’t emphasize speed of response. Instead, they want to encourage quality two-way communication. Take your time, don’t hesitate to use tools and respect other people’s opinions and points of view.

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    Effective Leadership FAQ

    1. What are characteristics of effective leadership?

      Some characteristics to have to be an effective leader is empathy, communication, decision-making, and delegation. Having these characteristics will help you become a better leader. These characteristics help employees feel valued and seen by their leaders.

    2. What is an effective leader?

      An effective leader is someone who is able to execute the company’s vision and sets the tone for the rest of the company. Leaders are able to create plans and goals and is able to see that those are reached. Leadership is different from managing. Managers manage things while leaders often influence people to maximize their efforts toward the goals of the greater good.

    3. How do you measure an effective leader?

      An effective way to measure a leader is to assess the group performance and which goals and objectives they have met. An effective leader would have been able to lead the group to the goals. Where the group is at is a strong indicator of of their influence on the group and their ability to inspire and lead them.

    4. What are rules for powerful leadership?

      Some rules that are essential leadership is to lead by example and assess yourself regularly. Effective leaders are the ones who set the expectations and follow them. Employees are more likely to follow something when their leader is also doing it. Assessing yourself and improving anything that needs improving will also make you a more effective leader. Without checking yourself you are not able to know what you are doing right or wrong.


    Conor McMahon

    Conor McMahon is a writer for Zippia, with previous experience in the nonprofit, customer service, and technical support industries. He has a degree in Music Industry from Northeastern University and in his free time he plays guitar with his friends. Conor enjoys creative writing between his work doing professional content creation and technical documentation.

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