One of the best things about being an independent recruiter is that you’re free of the corporate shenanigans, free to be your own person, free to work your own hours, free of the restrictions that come with representing a brand the way someone else wants you to represent it.
Now you can just be yourself. Do your own thing. Sounds great doesn’t it? The smell of freedom roars through your nostrils like fresh cinnamon in a breakfast bakery.
But then the reality sets in. You no longer have a marketing department telling you what to say and giving you the print material to deliver. You no longer have a recognisable corporate brand behind you.
The truth is, your success as an agency recruiter never really rested with the corporate brand and the infrastructure it delivered.
You are the architect of your own success. The rise of the internet has delivered a plethora of apps that can make you more efficient; awesome technology that can automate the “grunt” work of the recruitment process; and algorithms that can elevate your online marketing profile to the top of any search.
But at the end of the day, recruitment is about people hiring people for people. And we’ve yet to develop any piece of technology that can replace the all-important human element of the recruiter/client relationship.
Your sales skills, your relationship building skills, your industry knowledge and your superior consulting skills are what separates you from everyone else.
What your clients are buying is ‘you’.
Clients will engage with you and come back to you with repeat business because they have confidence you can deliver quality candidates, have the market knowledge that will benefit them and deal with them in a professional, respectful manner.
It is up to you to send and consistently reinforce that message in everything you do and say.
But where do you start?
The last three episodes in our series “How to Build a $100K+ Income as in Independent Recruiter” have explored how to get your head and your desk into the $100K zone, how to place a value on your time and and experience and how to build a client base and get referrals.
In the 4th episode in our webinar series, we’ll show you …
- How to create your personal brand;
- How to market yourself as an independent recruiter;
- How to keep your messaging consistent; and
- How to capitalise on your brand success.
Click here to register for the webinar.
If you can’t make either time, we’ll send you an email with the recording and the slides as long as you register.
Hope to see you there!