Having a positive and focused team is one of the core elements of any successful business.
However, people are people, and the complexities of the human mind mean that negativity can enter into the workplace from any direction and for infinite reasons. While you can’t stop the source, you can work on the consequences.
One of the best ways of overcoming negativity in a work environment is by improving the mental agility of staff and our friends at Quid Corner have created this great infographic which shows how to do just that.
Creating positivity is often related to reframing thoughts in one’s mind. For staff members who may be beating themselves up about work performance, focusing on their strengths can bring them back into the zone. Help them to think through three positive elements about themselves and to write them down to refocus their thoughts.
Similarly, encouraging staff to get active to clear their head of negative thoughts, such as by taking a walk or getting some fresh air, can allow them the space to bring themselves back into the right frame of mind.
Helping your team to become more mentally agile and better able to cope with disappointment and negativity is vital for your business’ success. No work place is immune to failings and self-doubt, but by putting your staff in the best position to deal with it when it happens, you can turn these situations around and even into positives for your organization.