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How Many Blog Posts Are Published Per Day? [2023]

By Chris Kolmar
Jan. 11, 2023
Fact Checked
Cite This Webpage Zippia. "How Many Blog Posts Are Published Per Day? [2023]" Zippia.com. Jan. 11, 2023, https://www.zippia.com/advice/how-many-blog-posts-are-published-per-day/

Research Summary. Statistics reveal that 6+ million blog posts are published worldwide each day, the majority in English, followed by Spanish. Credible blogs can earn bloggers thousands of dollars per month—even millions per year, and they work as effective and efficient marketing tools. After extensive research, our data analysis team concluded:

  • Bloggers publish more than 6 million blog posts per day around the world.

  • The first blog post was published in 1994.

  • Blogs play significant roles in marketing, with more than 60% of consumers making a purchasing decision after reading articles on a brand’s website or watching vlogs on YouTube.

  • Most bloggers begin blogging to earn money, although less than 10% generate income.

  • The average blog post length is 1,416 words, although posts with 2,000 words or more—and multiple images and/or videos—tend to perform better.

  • Tumblr hosts 518 million blogs, while WordPress, the most popular content management system, hosts 60 million.

  • More than half of all bloggers are between the ages of 21 and 35.

  • Creating a popular blog is all about building credibility through quality, regularly-published content, sound design, and a robust social media presence.

  • The four highest-traffic blog niches are food, lifestyle, travel, and arts and crafts.

For further analysis, we broke down the data in the following ways:
Historical | Marketing | Earnings | Formatting | Platform | Age and Gender | Credibility | Niche
More than 6 million blog posts are published per day

General Blogging Statistics

Millions of blog posts are published per day, most of which are in English. And while the average user reads about 10 posts daily, most skim and don’t spend much more than half a minute reading.

  • Currently, there are over 600 million blogs globally, which account for more than 6 million posts per day, or 2.5+ billion annually.

  • Users produce around 77 million new blog comments each month.

  • In 2020, there were 31.7 million bloggers in the United States.

  • More than a third of all websites are blogs.

  • California has more bloggers than all of Canada.

  • English is the most common blogging language.

  • 77% of internet users read blogs.

  • People read around 10 blog posts per day.

  • 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts.

  • The median time spent reading an article is 37 seconds.

  • 23% of internet time is spent on blogs and social networks.

  • U.S. internet users spend 3X more time on blogs than they do email.

  • Most users read blogs in the morning. The average blog usually gets the most traffic on Monday at 11 am, with the most comments on Saturday at 9 am.

  • Professional bloggers have an average of four blogs.

Historical Blogging Statistics

Blogging formally began in 1994, although it wasn’t until six years later that video blogging, or vlogging, started.

  • Freelance journalist Justin Hall posted the first blog in 1994.

  • Jorn Barger coined the term ‘weblog’ on December 17, 1997.

  • The first blogging platform, Open Diary, was launched in 1998.

  • Peter Merholz coined the term ‘blog’ in 1999.

  • Adrian Miles posted the first video blog in 2000 and called it ‘vog.’

Blog Marketing Statistics

Most marketers consider blogging a cornerstone of their content strategies, as it can help consumers learn more about companies and their products, improve lead growth, and increase site traffic.

  • Search is the number one traffic source to blogs across all industries.

  • In 2019, 77% of marketers focused on written content.

  • 21% of bloggers focus more on marketing than on the content itself.

  • 68% of social media marketers use blogs in their social media strategy, while 89% of content marketers use blog posts in their content creation strategy.

  • 45% of marketers say blogging is the #1 most important piece of their content strategy.

  • 76% of social media marketers are likely to use blogging compared to just 6% of business-to-consumer marketers. Still, 86% of B2B companies blog.

  • On average, small companies with fewer than ten employees allocate 42% of their marketing budget to content marketing.

  • Marketing efforts for bloggers include:

    • Social media (94%);

    • SEO (63%);

    • Email marketing (66%);

    • Partnerships and collaborations (19%);

    • Community or forum management (13%);

    • Influencer collaboration (12%);

    • Paid services. (15%).

  • 70% of consumers learn about a company through articles instead of ads.

  • Small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than those that don’t.

  • B2B marketers that use blogs get 67% more leads than those who don’t.

  • 90% of bloggers drive traffic to their website using social media, 68% use SEO, 62% use email marketing, 10% collaborate with influencers, and 13% use paid services.

  • 32% of social media marketers republish a blog post on Facebook, while 25% republish on LinkedIn.

  • The biggest challenges for bloggers:

    • Finding time to create and promote content: 53%;

    • Getting traffic and attracting visitors: 49%;

    • Creating quality content consistently: 39%;

    • Creating enough content consistently: 35%;

    • Coming up with relevant topics: 20%.

  • 61% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on a recommendation from a blog.

  • 60% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on its site.

  • 43% of buyers viewed three to five pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.

  • 61% of people say their purchase decisions came from watching vlogs on YouTube.

Blogging Statistics by Earnings

Most bloggers say they started blogging to earn money, although less than 10% make any income. However, for those fortunate enough to bring in money, 10% make more than $10,000 per year.

  • The most common reason for blogging is making money, with two-thirds of all bloggers naming it their primary motivation.

  • 14% of bloggers earn a salary through blogging.

  • 33% of bloggers monetize their blog, about 10% make more than $10,000 per year, and the top 0.6%, make more than $1 million.

  • However, less than 10% of all bloggers generate some income.

  • Bloggers make the vast majority of their income from ads, affiliate products, sponsored product reviews, their own products, and online courses.

  • Google AdSense is the most popular monetization method used by bloggers, followed by affiliate marketing.

  • Higher-income bloggers use paid promotion 10.3X as often as lower-income bloggers.

  • Compared to lower-income bloggers, bloggers who earn over $50,000 per year are more than 4X as likely to use video, 8X as likely to provide a free tool, and 5X as likely to have a podcast.

  • For bloggers who earn more than $50K per year, the most important traffic sources are Google, email, Facebook, influencer outreach, and YouTube. Top traffic sources include Facebook, Google, Twitter, email, and Instagram for those who earn less.

  • Marketers that prioritize blogging are 13X more likely to achieve positive ROI.

  • Food bloggers make a median monthly income of $9,169, while personal finance bloggers make $9,100. The next two high-income niches are lifestyle/mommy blogs ($5,174) and travel ($5,000).

Blog Formatting Statistics

To maximize performance, most blog posts—whether how-tos, listicles, roundups, or interviews—are more than 2,000 words long and contain multimedia elements such as images and videos.

  • The average blog post length is 1,416 words.

  • 47% of bloggers include two to three images in a typical post.

  • The ideal blog post title is 60 characters.

  • Most bloggers (61%) draft two to three headlines before publishing.

  • Blog headlines between eight and 12 words are shared more often on Twitter, whereas headlines between 12 and 14 are shared more often on Facebook.

  • Blog posts with images get 94% more total views.

  • For maximum impact, a good rule of thumb is to include one image for every 350 words.

  • Users spend 10% more time looking at images than reading blog content.

  • 90% of bloggers include images in their blog posts, although only 25% include videos.

  • The ideal length of a blog introduction is 150 characters.

  • The ideal blog post length is 2,100 words and takes seven minutes to read.

  • This is because long-form blog content (2,000+ words) gets more shares, ranks better in search engines, and receives more referral links than shorter posts.

  • Articles that are gt;3,000 words get 3X more traffic, 4X more shares, and 3.5X more backlinks than shorter articles.

  • 47% of blog readers want a two-second load time.

  • 76% of bloggers publish how-to articles, 54% create lists, and 45% write long-form guides and e-books. Comparatively, the most successful formats are roundups (30%), gated content (29%), and interviews (27%).

  • Listicles get 2X more shares than other blog post formats.

  • 41% of bloggers have created and published original research in the last 12 months.

  • 44% of bloggers edit their own work, while 17% work with a formal editor.

  • 23.3% of bloggers publish weekly, while 20% publish two to six posts per week.

  • In the last five years, the average time for writing a post has grown from 2 hours 24 minutes to 3 hours 28 minutes. During this same time, the average blog post length increased from 808 to 1,151 words.

How Long Does It Take to Write a Typical Blog Post?
Year Time
2014 2 hrs 24 min
2015 2 hrs 35 min
2016 3 hrs 16 min
2017 3 hrs 20 min
2018 3 hrs 28 min
2019 3 hrs 57 min
2020 3 hrs 55 min
2021 4 hrs 1 min

Blogging Statistics by Platform

While WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) for bloggers, Tumblr hosts more blogs than any other platform.

  • Tumblr hosts the vast majority of blogs with 518 million.

  • WordPress—the most popular CMS—comes in second with 60 million blogs.

  • 18% of marketers choose WordPress as their website CMS.

  • Wix provides a blogging platform to over 180 million users.

  • Squarespace hosts 2.5 million blogs.

  • More than 50% of bloggers who use Facebook as their primary platform say it has become increasingly difficult to gain traffic.

  • Over 409 million people view more than 20 billion WordPress pages each month.

  • WordPress users produce about 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments each month.

  • WordPress owns 64.2% of the market share and powers 39.9% of all web pages.

  • WordPress users write blogs in over 120 languages. Below is a breakdown of the top 10:

    • English: 71%

    • Spanish: 4.7%

    • Indonesian: 2.4%

    • Portuguese (Brazil): 2.3%

    • French: 1.5%

    • Russian: 1.3%

    • German: 1.2%

    • Italian: 1%

    • Turkish: 0.7%

    • Dutch: 0.6%

Blog Statistics by Age and Gender

While readers can find bloggers among all age groups, more than half are 35 or younger.

  • 53.3% of bloggers are between the ages of 21 and 35. Other age brackets are as follows:

    • Less than 21 years: 20.2%;

    • 36-50 years: 19.4%;

    • More than 50 years: 7.1%.

  • 49.1% of bloggers are male, and 50.9% are female.

Creating a credible blog takes time, so bloggers need to regularly publish good, well-designed articles and other content.

  • 68.52% of respondents say that blogs add credibility to websites.

  • The top factors that add credibility to a blog are quality content (30%), sound design (17%), regular content publishing (15%), and good social media presence (13%).

  • The types of blog content that add the most credibility include:

    • Written articles (44.44%);

    • eBooks (19.44%);

    • Visuals (14.81%);

    • Videos (14.81%);

    • Audio (3.7%);

    • Webinars (1.85%);

    • Slides (0.93%).

  • The top factors that destroy a blog’s credibility include:

    • Bad content (23.84%);

    • Bad design (21.35%);

    • Fake social media followers (17.44%);

    • Negative content (13.17%);

    • Advertisements (11.74%);

    • No shares (4.27%);

    • No or few subscribers (4.27%);

    • No comments (3.91%). [7]

Blog Statistics by Niche

  • The four highest-traffic blog niches (food, lifestyle, travel, arts/crafts) account for 74% of all high-traffic blogs.

  • The top three types of blogs that people start a blog in are lifestyle (25%), travel (18%), and food (13%).

  • The top niches with the most high-traffic blogs include food (42.8%), lifestyle/mommy (13.3%), and travel (10%).

Blog Post FAQ

  1. How many blog posts are published per day?

    More than 6 million blog posts are published every day across 1.9 billion global websites. That’s 2x more than the 2 million blog posts that were published per day in 2012, meaning that blog posts have become far more popular within the last decade.

  2. What is the number one traffic source to blogs?

    Search is the number one traffic source to blogs across all industries. This is why SEO optimization is so important for blogs, as it allows Google to pick up keywords and present them to searchers when they’re on you’re website.

    Other important traffic sources for websites include social media, email marketing, and direct traffic.

  3. How much time does it take to write a blog post?

    It takes an average time of 4 hours and 10 minutes to write a blog post. However, this is superficially for the average blog post, which is 1,376 words in length. Blog posts that are under 1,000 words likely take less time on average, while blog posts over 2,000 words can take much longer to write.

  4. How much money does a blogger make?

    Most bloggers earn between $38,440 to $51,906. Overall, Less than 10% of bloggers generate some income, with about 10% of them making more than $10,000 annually. Further, only 0.6% make more than $1 million.

  5. How often should you publish blog posts?

    You should publish blog posts at least once a week. However, the exact most effective rate changes from person to person and company to company.

    Smaller companies are often successful in posting just one blog post a week, and larger organizations or bloggers with more time and established followings are more successful in posting almost every day – sometimes multiple times a day.

    However, the most popular blog publishing rates are one to six times a week, as 23.3% of bloggers publish content weekly, and 20% publish two to six times each week.

    If you’re a one-man marketing department or are running a personal blog as a side hustle, you likely won’t be able to produce good content more than once a week, which means that that is a great rate for you. For those who do have bigger teams or whose blogs are generating a lot of income, however, more often is usually better.

    No matter what your posting schedule looks like, the most important thing is to be consistent so that your audience will know when they can find your new content.

  6. How many views per day is good for a blog?

    Getting over 1,000 views per day is good for a blog. This is if you’re trying to monetize your blog. If you’re starting a new blog or are simply looking for a creative outlet, then 100 views a day is plenty good.

    If you are trying to monetize your blog, getting more than 1,000 unique visitors every day is an excellent goal – anything below that gets more difficult to monetize. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get this right away, though. Especially at the beginning of your blog’s life, simply seeing your daily views go up consistently is good, no matter how many or how few there are.

    Once you’ve been at it for a while, though, your goal should be to utilize social media and SEO to draw even more readers to your blog until you hit 1,000 a day. Even then, an upward arrow is still the biggest goal.

  7. What are the average page views per day for a blog?

    The average views per day for a blog are about 150 to 1,500. There are no good studies that offer concrete statistics on how many views blogs get per day. The general consensus is that the number varies wildly depending on how long the blog has been up, what the topic/audience is, and how the person cross-promotes the blog.

    Some smaller blogs earn 100 views a day and are perfectly happy with that, while larger, more established blogs would panic when they saw that low of a number, as they usually have over 1,000 visitors each day.

    At the end of the day, though, the most important goal for your average daily page views is that they’re consistently going up. This is the true mark of success for your blog on a day-to-day basis, as you should always be pushing to find and draw in more readers, especially if your goal is to monetize your blog.


  1. Hosting Tribunal. How Many Blogs Are There? We Counted Them All! Accessed on 10/7/21.

  2. WordPress. A live look at activity across WordPress.com. Accessed on 10/7/21.

  3. Orbit Media Studios. New Blogging Statistics: Survey of 1067 Bloggers Shows Which Content Strategies are Working in 2021. Accessed on 10/7/21.

  4. Contently. The Lost Art of the Mid-Range Blog Post. Accessed on 10/7/21.

  5. GrowthBadger. Data from Our Study of 1,117 Bloggers (Income, Tactics More). Accessed on 10/7/21.

  6. KissMetrics. The Science of Social Timing: Part 3, Timing and Blogging. Accessed on 10/8/21.

  7. Social Marketing Writing. How to Build a Credible Blog. Accessed on 10/8/21.

  8. RankIQ. The Most Profitable Blog Niches Study. Accessed on 10/8/21.

  9. Statista. Number of bloggers in the United States from 2014 to 2020. Accessed on 10/8/21.

  10. Daily Infographic. The State of the Blogging Industry 2017. Accessed on 10/8/21.

  11. Hubspot. The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2021. Accessed on 10/8/21.

  12. SEMrush. 81 of the Most Up-to-Date Blogging Statistics in 2021. Accessed on 10/8/21.

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Chris Kolmar

Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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