Editor’s Note: This is a guest post written by tech writer & photographer Ivan Serrano. His opinions and awesome infographic are his own. We know we don’t usually post things that are candidate-centric, but this one was too good not to share!
Interviewing prospective employees is a respected part of the hiring process, it also the most nerve wracking step in the application process for many hopeful professionals.
The advent of instant communication technology has not only changed how we perform our jobs and companies run, but also how businesses recruit new hires. With online social networks like LinkedIn, finding the perfect match is not only easier but can be done over a broader scope than in previous generations.
However once a company finds that perfect match, how are they do truly determine the fit of their new find from 1,000 miles away? Normally resumes would be sent into local offices from which a number of candidates would be chosen. These candidates would then come in for their interviews. However when the candidate is in a different state, a different approach must be taken.
Take a look at “Video Interviews: The New Frontier of Job Interviewing” for a great look at how video conferencing technologies are being used today to conduct interviews by HR reps all over the world. You’ll learn how to prepare for a job interview in the modern video-interview world as well as how your online social activity can impact the chances of landing your dream job.