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Find a Job You Really Want In
Learning more about your personality and what makes you tick can help you find your dream job.
How? It can tell you what jobs you’re naturally suited for and where you’re most likely to succeed. It’s not just good for you to learn this information. Many employers, hiring agents, and recruiters also use this information to determine if an individual is suited for a particular career.
One of the most popular ways to dig deep into a person’s personality is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®; a test that calculates your answers to develop a four-letter or four personality trait map.
For those who receive an ENTJ answer, there are many career opportunities to consider.
Key Takeaways:
Great careers for ENTJ personality types include financial analyst, insurance sales, and civil engineering.
Between 2020 and 2030, the civil engineering career is expected to grow 8% and produce 25,300 job opportunities across the U.S.
ENTJ stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging.
ENTJ tend to be well organized, assertive, and good communicators.
Top Careers for ENTJ Personality Types
When you look at the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of an ENTJ, you might be able to immediately picture a job that they’d thrive in. Perhaps you can also think of a job where they wouldn’t do so well. Let’s take a look at what careers are best for ENTJ personality types and why.
Average Yearly Salary: $72,000
A financial analyst has their finger on the pulse of financial trends. They help individuals and businesses invest their money in ways that should help turn about a profit. An ENTJ is good at this position because they can put together information quickly and use their intuition to see trends that might be a good bet.
They’re also fantastic communicators, so they’re good at getting others to believe in them and follow their advice. Part of being a great financial analyst is understanding the direction trends might head. The other part of the job is selling your vision to others and having them express a willingness to invest in you.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the finance analyst career is expected to grow 6% and produce 31,300 job opportunities across the U.S.
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Average Yearly Salary: $48,000
Once again, an ENTJ’s great ability to get along with others is key to success as a convention planner. Stepping into any large event and planning for the future takes a lot of skill, and those skills are ones that an ENTJ is gifted with at birth.
Anything that involves planning is right up their alley and gives them the perfect excuse to roll out a checklist and get marking. They are great at seeing into the future to anticipate what can go wrong and what can go right.
They have no problems pivoting their plan to end up with the best scenario in the long run – which is what it takes to make a convention a success.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the even planning career is expected to grow 18% and produce 22,100 job opportunities across the U.S.
Average Yearly Salary: $140,000
People who reach the level of Executive Manager are people who have risen to the top of their field. They’re often well-liked and are great at communicating their visions for the future and the goals they have to accomplish along the way to get there. These are all things ENTJ’s do with ease and joy.
Executive manager seems to be the ideal position for someone with these personality traits, but there can be one big pitfall: ENTJs often miss out on the human and emotional level of situations.
This might not be a big deal in some companies, but in others, it’s critical that the executive management not only understands the emotions of their employees but also of their customers.
Job Outlook: Between 2018 and 2028, the executive management career is expected to grow 6% and produce 150,600 job opportunities across the U.S.
Advertising Sales Representative
Average Yearly Salary: $44,000
Anyone who works in advertising sales needs to be at the top of their game when communicating. They need to be able to create an instant rapport with others and then manage that relationship, so everyone is happy all the time.
People in advertising sales are typically not the people who come up with the advertising approach or ideas. Instead, they’re responsible for selling clients on those ideas or their company as a whole. This is why communication is so vital.
Interestingly, this career is greatly affected by technology, and it’s an ever-growing area that will interest ENTJ personality types because they love to look toward the future and love adventure. That makes this career particularly intriguing.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the advertising sales career is expected to grow 3% and produce 3,600 job opportunities across the U.S.
Average Yearly Salary: $49,000
There are few careers so perfectly suited for an ENTJ as that of insurance sales or being an insurance agent. This job not only needs their stellar communication skills to make the sale they also need to be able to see the future.
Since ENTJ people are forward-thinking, they’re already thinking of situations where someone could need insurance? Flood insurance, anyone?
The fact that approaching new people and constantly learning about how they live their lives and digging deep into their pastimes is part of the job is just a bonus for these personalities.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the insurance agent career is expected to grow 7% and produce 35,500 job opportunities across the U.S.
Average Yearly Salary: $99,000
Real estate agents also get to meet new people constantly, both buyers and sellers. Having the ability to talk to people definitely comes in handy here, insurance sales or insurance agents, and it can help build relationships that lead to referrals.
Real estate agents also get to work within their own structure. Since they like structure so much, they can set up their schedule in a way that works for them and keep to it. This may include odd hours and weekends, but if they’re doing the same thing over and over, then they’ll be happy.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the real estate agent career is expected to grow 4% and produce 21,800 job opportunities across the U.S.
Average Yearly Salary: $70,000
A civil engineer is responsible for designing, building, and supervising infrastructure projects and systems. This means an individual who is successful in this career needs to be able to manage people well, which requires great communication skills.
They also need to be able to see what may happen in the future to plan accordingly, set up schedules that will work, and make sure they’re adhered to.
They can work in a wide variety of industries and tailor their careers to fit the field that interests them most. No matter what field they choose, it will take a lot of education to learn all there is about infrastructure. Still, they naturally are predisposed to being able to put that information together in a cohesive way.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the civil engineering career is expected to grow 8% and produce 25,300 job opportunities across the U.S.
Average Yearly Salary: $88,000
Public relations managers are responsible for creating a media strategy, building a reputation, and ensuring there is suitable media coverage. This means seeing into the future is a must.
Someone must be able to look at a situation and understand what the implications will be. It takes the ability to jump to a decision pretty quickly at times and do so with a high degree of confidence in your abilities. These are all things ENTJ personality types are good at doing.
Public relations managers also need to be good with people. If your people don’t like you, they’re certainly not going to want to follow your advice. This is where those famed communication skills come into play again. The only thing to watch out for is when a situation requires considering the human element or human emotions.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the public relations and fundraising management career is expected to grow 13% and produce 11,300 job opportunities across the U.S.
Average Yearly Salary: $119,000
We’ve all come in contact with a pharmacist at some point in our lives. This job can be particularly good for people with ENTJ personalities because they’re adept at communicating with patients, but they don’t get caught up in their troubles and problems. They can leave the emotion out of it and continue through their day.
There’s a lot to learn for pharmacists, and they have to have the foresight to put it all together and understand what could happen if certain medications are combined. This is definitely a skill where their ability to put information together quickly comes in handy.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the pharmacist career is expected to shrink by 2% and lose 7,000 job opportunities across the U.S.
Average Yearly Salary: $81,000
The job of construction manager is another one that’s perfectly suited for ENTJ personalities. They are wonderful at seeing all of the pieces of the construction puzzle and how they need to come together.
They can envision the final project and they’re good at communicating what it’s going to look like and how they’re going to get there to their team.
The ability to create a list of tasks and a structure and then not only stick to it themselves but help others to do the same is critical. It’s an area where ENTJs will succeed and most likely thrive.
Job Outlook: Between 2020 and 2030, the construction management career is expected to grow 11% and produce 51,400 job opportunities across the U.S.
What Is an ENTJ?
According to MBTI, an ENTJ personality is one of their 16 categories, with each letter representing a personality trait. ENTJ stands for:
These four functions each have a level of prominence in a personality type, from the top down. Let’s look further to see what these words mean and how they apply.
Extraverted thinking in ENTJs means they like to speak and make snap decisions, and while they are often rational and objective, they don’t always listen to all of the facts. They are very focused on order and getting others to toe the line. They love measurable goals.
Introverted intuition is the auxiliary characteristic for this personality type, and it means that they’re future-focused and always thinking about what will happen down the line.
Extraverted sensing is their tertiary characteristic, and it tends to make them adventurous soles. They like new experiences and like to surround themselves with things they enjoy.
Introverted feeling is the least powerful function for an ENTJ, and it’s focused on internal feelings and values. They’re not great when emotional responses are required, and it makes them uncomfortable. So they might avoid these situations, and they don’t quite understand how their feelings play into their decisions.
Strengths and Weaknesses of ENTJ People
People categorized as having an ENTJ personality are good with other people and enjoy spending time with them. They’re thought of as good communicators, and they make others feel at ease. In addition, they’re future-focused to the level that they don’t often think of the here and now.
ENTJs love to play with abstract ideas and theoretical information and don’t care nearly as much about concrete details. Instead, they use logic or objective thought to make a point and tend to avoid considering emotions.
ENTJs are good at making plans, having schedules, and working off of a checklist. They enjoy having an order to things and making sure that everything stays in line.
Some strengths that you might find in an ENTJ include:
Strong leadership abilities
Well organized
Good at making decisions (quickly)
Assertive and outspoken
Considered a strong communicator
Some weaknesses ENTJs possess can include:
Impatient often
Can be stubborn
Are seen as insensitive and unemotional
They can be aggressive
Often intolerant of others or aberrations from the norm
Careers ENTJ Personality Types May Want to Avoid
While there are a lot of careers where an ENTJ personality can do very well, there are some fields where it’s going to be more difficult for them to succeed. An ENTJ person isn’t great with emotions, theirs or others. They also tend to jump to conclusions and not listen to all of the facts. These personality traits make the following jobs one that they’re better off avoiding.
Home Health Aide
Getting to know people personally, stepping into their world and their lives and understanding them is a critical part of job success. This is not an area of ENTJ types typically succeed nor is it a part that they’re comfortable with. With illness, comes a lot of emotion so any job that deals with this might be difficult.
Child Care Provider
Watching kids all day takes a lot of flexibility, understanding and seldom goes as planned. Kids are too unpredictable for ENTJ types, they are often pushing the boundaries of their schedules, and there is a lot of emotion. All of these reasons make this a poor job for ENTJs.
Any ENTJ that works as a receptionist is quickly going to see other jobs in the company that they’d prefer. This position doesn’t have enough control or the ability to structure a situation as they’d like. They also don’t get to use their superior ability to make decisions as they’re often just tasked with menial jobs.
While an ENTJ’s ability to communicate might help them if they choose cosmetology as a field, they’re not likely to enjoy the lack of structure in this field. They might also have a hard time listening to everything a person is saying and following directions, rather than running with their instincts.
Social Worker
Not having the ability to fully understand emotions can be a real downfall in this profession. While ENTJs are good at communicating, their special skills fall in the realm of being able to convince others and lead. Unfortunately, they are not necessarily good at listening to others, and they can be very uncomfortable with emotions.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Occupational Outlook Handbook.” Accessed on September 6, 2022.
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