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8 Ways A Boss Can Have A Positive Impact On Employees

By Conor McMahon - Dec. 19, 2022
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Summary. A boss can have a positive impact on employees when they consider their relationship is built on trust and shared values. You want your employees to feel motivated to achieve their goals as professionals and as people.

How can you have a positive impact on employees? People are complicated, so managing them along with all your other professional needs might feel a bit overwhelming.

However, if you are invested in the long-term success of yourself and your company, then you must also be invested in the long-term success of your employees.

This can be achieved when you realize that you are in a position to have a positive impact on employees. When done correctly, it becomes a situation where everyone can win.

Key Takeaways:

  • A successful relationship with employees is built on trust and shared values.

  • Provide opportunities for growth for your employees.

  • Be alert and communicative with your employees about their values, needs, and goals.

8 Ways A Boss Can Have A Positive Impact On Employees

How A Boss Can Have Positive Impact On Employees

  1. Trusting your employee to take the lead. Trust is a key component to any successful relationship. It provides a foundation that holds up against challenges and conflict. Your trust in your employees is necessary if you want to maximize their potential.

    A great way to build trust to let them take the lead on important projects, presentations, and other responsibilities. Even if they struggle, your initial confidence will show them that you will risk failure in order to achieve success.

  2. Empower their vulnerabilities. Sometimes even the most professional employee will have their personal vulnerability come through. When this happens, it is up to you to show them how their vulnerabilities can become strengths when you acknowledge them and work towards healthy solutions.

    This is particularly important in careers that are intensively client-facing, because you want your employees to never feel vulnerable when dealing with clients.

  3. Give them a first experience. Help your employees achieve professional growth with the opportunity to try something new. Have them organize an event or train them in a new technical skill.

    You have the keys to many doors that can open your employees up to new possibilities. Show they that you are invested in them and they will in turn be more invested in their work.

  4. Teach them project management. Projects are everywhere in business. Even the most isolated employee contributes to the big picture process that defines your company. By teaching them project management, even if it is on a small scale, you make your employees more effective as workers.

    You also provide them a new appreciation for the delicate balance that comes with project management.

  5. Teach them the value of breaks. You don’t want your employees to burn out. This results in low productivity and has a financial strain on your business. If it gets really bad, your employees may quit, resulting in a loss of knowledge, time, energy, and more money, as you work to replace them.

    To avoid this, show to your employees that you care about their well being. Let it be known that breaks are a long term investment towards success.

  6. Defend them in public. A good manager manages, but a great manager leads. One key component to being a great business leader is to defend your employees in public when they are challenged.

    If you have issues with your employees, you should discuss them in private, or else make planned statements regarding their behavior. However, in most cases, when they face push back, you need to show that you are on their side if you want them to follow your lead later on.

  7. Make performance reviews constructive and productive. Performance reviews are an opportunity for growth. This is true even if you have the most exceptional employees. There is always something they could get better at, such as embracing new challenges.

    Re-frame performance reviews with a growth mindset helps with employees who need improvement. Use your reviews as a constructive conversation that sets the employees on a path towards working on SMART goals.

  8. Be perceptive of their values, needs, and goals.

  9. If you are lucky, your employees will share with you what they want out of their job. Maybe they have career goals, or maybe they are happy with where they are. Regardless, you want them fulfill their values, needs, and goals, because this makes employees more productive.

    However, sometimes employees will not share this information with you, either for personal reasons, or just because they don’t know. If that is the case, it is up to you to be perceptive of where your employees are at.

    If you feel their values, needs, or goals are not met, try bringing it to their attention to see if you can align them with their work. Even if this is not possible, see what you can do to help them achieve such fulfillment in the long run, even if that means accepting that someday they may leave your company.

    You want to be proactive about this if you want to make the most of their employment.

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Impacting Employees FAQs

  1. How a manager can have an impact on an employee?

    A manager can have an impact on an employee when they understand their employee’s motivations. Motivations are usually rooted in some kind of need. They exist both externally as extrinsic motivation, and internally as intrinsic motivation.

    You have control over external motivating factors such as compensation and opportunity, however, you can also impact the intrinsic motivation of your employees through behavior modeling, constructive feedback, and performance reviews. These methods give you insight into what needs of the employee must be met for them to feel good about their work.

  2. How should a boss treat their employees?

    A boss should treat their employees with fairness and accountability. These are crucial to being an effective professional. Fairness creates a social contract between you and your employees where both of you can agree to the terms of your relationship.

    Meanwhile, accountability is the tool that upholds this fairness. You need to hold your employees accountable for their behavior. Likewise, you need to allow yourself to be held accountable by your employees. In this manner, you and your team can feel confident that everyone will act in good faith to achieve common goals.


  1. Department of Health and Human Services – Supervisor 101 /p>


Conor McMahon

Conor McMahon is a writer for Zippia, with previous experience in the nonprofit, customer service, and technical support industries. He has a degree in Music Industry from Northeastern University and in his free time he plays guitar with his friends. Conor enjoys creative writing between his work doing professional content creation and technical documentation.

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