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Best Ways To Celebrate Boss’s Day

By Taylor Berman - Mar. 22, 2023
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Summary. Ways to celebrate Boss’s Day include giving them a card, bringing in their favorite treat or lunch, and giving them a gift. If you are a virtual employee, ways to celebrate your boss include having one-on-one meetings or playing a boss bingo game.

Unless you are the head of the company, everyone has a boss. Boss’s Day is a great way to celebrate them and show your appreciation for everything that they do.

We will go over what Boss’s day is and when it’s held, provide ways to celebrate your boss in person and virtually, and discuss what should be avoided when celebrating Boss’s Day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Boss’s day will be celebrated this year on Monday, October 16, 2023.

  • Giving your boss flowers or decorating their office is a way to show your appreciation and brighten up their office.

  • It’s important as an employer or boss not to expect and encourage your employees to celebrate you because it can make them feel obligated to spend money they may not have.

What Is Boss’s Day?

National Boss’s Day is celebrated on October 16 in the United States. It’s not a federal holiday, but it is a holiday observed. Boss’s Day is dedicated to employers, and it is a time for employees to show their appreciation to their bosses. It’s also a time for them to thank them for all their bosses do for them throughout the year.

National Boss Day was registered with the United States Chamber of Commerce in 1958 by Patricia Bays Haroski. She was working as a secretary for her father at State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois, and chose October 16 because it was her father’s birthday.

Four years later, in 1962, Illinois Governor Otto Kern backed Haroski’s registration, and it became an official holiday. Since then, Boss’s Day has increased in popularity, not only in the United States but all over the world, and is now observed in countries such as India, South Africa, and Australia.

Best Ways to Celebrate Your Boss

  1. Bring in a treat. Everyone loves a treat during the day. Bring in cupcakes, donuts, or a cake, whatever your boss loves. It’s a great way to express your gratitude and give them a gift. If you are virtual, have the treat sent to their house or workplace.

  2. Have a team lunch. If your boss is the type of person to get lunch for everyone in the office on occasion, return the favor and get them lunch. Be sure to get something they love. It’s also a great way for everyone to get together and celebrate the boss.

  3. Give them a card. A card is a classic way to show your appreciation. You can get everyone in the office to write a little message and sign their name. If you want to get fancy, you can do one of those video cards and have everyone in the office record a message for the boss.

  4. Decorate their office. Get to work early and decorate their office. Use streamers and balloons of their favorite color. It will be a nice surprise for them when they get to work. You can even go as far as getting a banner that says “National Boss’s Day.”

  5. Have an award ceremony. Create awards based on things that your boss has done. If they accomplished a big goal for the year, give them an award. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, and it can even just be printed out on a piece of paper.

    Giving them an award shows them that you notice the work that they are doing and appreciate it. If they have done more and you want to present an award for them, make one for each thing. If not, a simple award that says “best boss ever” will do.

  6. Say a simple thank you. Simply saying “thank you” to your boss can be enough. They may not get thanked for all the work that they do, and it can be the best gift that they receive.

  7. Get their favorite snacks. Everyone has a favorite snack, and getting it from someone can always make the day better. This is especially great if the snack is not something in the office vending machine or something they get often. This will also be great for them to leave in their office for a nice mid-day treat.

  8. Give them a gift. You can either give them a team gift or individual gifts. Gifts don’t have to be big or elaborate. The gift should be meaningful and hold some value for your boss.

  9. Go above and beyond with your work. One of the best ways to show your gratitude to your boss is to go above and beyond. You should exceed their expectations. If there is a task you have been putting off, just do it. Make their life easier, so they don’t have to tell you to do anything for the day.

  10. Give them flowers or a plant. This is an old-school but classic way to celebrate your boss. You should figure out if your boss prefers to get a plant or flowers and then figure out what type they want. It’s a simple way to express your gratitude and a great way to brighten up your office.

Three Ways to Celebrate Virtually

Even if you are not in person to celebrate your boss, you can still do it virtually. Here are some ways to celebrate virtually.

  1. Play boss day bingo. To play this game, create a bingo card with different things that employees have done with the boss and stories about the boss. Be sure to randomize the squares and leave a free spot in the middle. Examples of what to add could be things like:

    • The boss made me feel welcome on my first day

    • I lost a bet with the boss

    • The boss made me laugh

    • The boss gave me good feedback

    • The boss cheered me up on a bad day

  2. Surprise them with free time. This will need to be coordinated with their assistant, or you will need to access their calendar if they do not have an assistant. You can either clear up their day so they have some free time or schedule a decoy meeting. This will allow them to have some free time.

    It can also be nice if you do it toward the end of the day so they are able to leave work early. This should only be done if they do not have a deadline or they do not like surprises.

  3. Schedule a one-on-one. If you have a busy boss, scheduling a quick one-on-one meeting with each staff member is a great way for them to show their appreciation. It doesn’t have to be long; it can be five or ten minutes. Have a sign-up sheet to allow employees to schedule when it works best for them.

What to Avoid When Celebrating Your Boss

Boss’s day can be a fun and exciting experience for everyone in the office. As an employer, it can feel great when your employees are celebrating you. But it’s important to remember you should not expect gifts from your employees.

Some employees may feel as if they have to celebrate or purchase a gift for their boss or employer because that person has more power. It’s also important not to expect gifts because some individuals may not have extra spending money to purchase one.

The boss should not treat employees who give gifts any differently than those who do not. It’s also important to stay professional and impartial on this day.

Boss’s Day FAQ

  1. Why is it Important to show your appreciation to your boss?

    It’s important to show your appreciation for your boss because they do a lot for their employees and the office. When employees show their appreciation to their boss, the boss will often have more positive energy, and the workplace improves.

  2. What is an example of a thank you message for my boss for Boss’s Day?

    An example of a thank you message is “Thank you for everything that you do for this company and us. Other appreciation and thank you messages include

    • “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have as a boss, thanks for all that you do.”

    • “Happy Boss’s day to the best boss ever.”

    • “I’m glad you are my boss. I appreciate everything that you do.”

  3. When is National Boss’s Day?

    National Boss’s Day is held on October 16 unless that date falls on a weekend. If that date is on the weekend, it will be observed either on the Friday before or the Monday after.

  4. Can you celebrate Boss’s Day even if you are the boss?

    Yes, you can celebrate Boss’s day even if you are the boss. Celebrating it, even if you are the boss, is a great way to boost office morale. It’s also a great way to show your appreciation to all of your employees.

Final Thoughts

A great boss can make or break the work environment. Having a great boss is worth celebrating. Using the above activities can help make your boss feel appreciated for Boss’s Day.


  1. – Boss’s Day 2023, 2024, and further


Taylor Berman

Taylor is a freelance writer from Pennsylvania. Taylor got into writing because she enjoys writing articles that help people and loves creating stories that inspire. She earned a bachelor's degree in journalism and public relations with an interest in communications media from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

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