Summary. There are many easy-to-show employee appreciations, such as offering raises, bonuses, extra PTO, and extensive benefits packages. Additionally, you can publicly recognize effort, invest in their professional development, or simply write a sincere thank you note.
If you know your employees work hard and that their efforts help contribute to your organization’s success, but you don’t show your appreciation, you miss out on a great opportunity to improve worker happiness, engagement and productivity.
Employees want to be recognized for their work, and employers have the power to make a meaningful impact by showing their gratitude.
Key Takeaways:
Employee recognition ideas include monetary compensation, benefit increases, excursions, events, and free meals.
Recognizing employees is important to maintaining a healthy and productive work environment.
Make sure to be authentic and sincere in your gratitude to have a positive impact.
Know your employee, and get their feedback so that your employee appreciation ideas are effective.
23 Employee Appreciation Ideas
Provide raises and bonuses. Probably the most effective way to show your employees that you appreciate them is with money. Your employees work hard but may not feel their efforts are fairly compensated. Even if they do, no one will complain about receiving a little extra tip for their work.
Give out extra PTO days. Similar to money, time is very important to employees. For some, it’s even more important. This is especially true for employees with families. An extra day off can go a long way.
Provide extensive healthcare coverage. Many employees will feel appreciated if your company can show that you value your employee’s health. Healthcare is very important to many employees. An extensive healthcare plan that provides options eases some of the concerns because it gives your employees flexibility.
Offer competitive retirement plans. This is a great way to make your longest-tenured employees feel particularly valued. Your investment in their future retirement shows you appreciate all the time they have spent with your company.
Offer company stock options. If you provide company stock options, not only is it additional financial compensation but more of a reason for your employees to feel invested in the company. This literal investment becomes a two-way street toward mutual success.
Publicly recognize specific efforts. Public recognition lets your employees know that they have your support. Public recognition can come in the form of internal announcements or through external channels such as on your company website or social media.
Say thank you. The simplest solution can be very effective. Be gracious and thank your employees when they do anything that helps make your life easier or contributes to the success of your business. If you really want to make an impact, send them a handwritten thank you note.
Embrace a growth mindset. Mistakes happen, but people are capable of change. This type of attitude lets employees know you are on their side. Take on a growth mindset that embraces the potential to change and helps reframe challenges as opportunities.
Set up an annual retreat. A classic way to show your appreciation, an annual retreat should give your employees a chance to unwind and be social without the pressure of work responsibilities. Consider an annual retreat that offers variety so that your employees with different tastes can enjoy their time regardless.
Offer free meals. Either Snacks, lunches, breakfasts, or dinners, it doesn’t matter; most people are happy to be treated to a free meal. Make sure to keep in mind dietary restrictions so that your free meals stay inclusive.
Give out awards. An award can be for a speech accomplishment or for a general work ethic that you wish to recognize. Present the award in a way that is fitting for the achievement. For example, an employee of the month award may be a quick process, while a lifetime achievement award could be a whole event.
Celebrate employee birthdays and work anniversaries (if they want). Some people like a little love thrown their way on their birthdays or work anniversaries. However, be mindful that others would rather not have the attention.
If you plan to throw any sort of celebration, even if it is simply a little cake and coffee in the break room, make sure to get the employee’s permission beforehand.
Team building games and excursions. Take some pressure off and have fun with your employees. Plus, you will strengthen bonds and build team resiliency with the appropriate style of games or excursions. Some ideas include:
Escape rooms
Laser tag
Board games or puzzle competitions
Video game tournaments
Provide helpful education and training opportunities. You can show that you care for your employees beyond their work with education and training opportunities. It sends a message that you want your employees to improve themselves beyond the confines of their job.
Offer career development opportunities. Employees will feel more valued if you invest in their professional growth. Give employees access to resources that build up their skills and experience. For example, if you know your employee wants to become a manager, have them shadow you for a day.
Introduce employees to executives and important business partners. You have the power to help expand your employees’ network. This can be especially helpful when you have potential leaders who you can help move up in their careers.
Provide fitness, health, and wellness resources. It can be hard to balance a healthy lifestyle with work, so make this easier for your employees. You can help reduce their stress and give them a chance to feel their best.
Redesign your workplace. You might have employees who feel restricted in their work environment. Set up areas that cater to their working needs. This could be access to open areas or isolated rooms. Additionally, consider redesigning recreational spaces to give your employees a place to decompress and recharge.
Host happy hours or social gatherings. Employees appreciate the chance to hang out without it cutting into their personal lives. Plus, the ability to bond with one another creates a shared sense of belonging which improves team cohesiveness.
Be dog friendly. Many dog owners lament the fact they have to work away from their dogs. By allowing them to bring their dogs in, you ease a burden for them while simultaneously making other dog lovers at the office happy. Just make sure that other employees are comfortable with their presence.
Provide company swag. Free shirts, vests, mugs, and all sorts of items that your employees could use are easy ways to recognize their work.
Encourage personal health. Let your employees know that you see them as a person with needs beyond work. Give them a chance to take breaks and engage in activities that improve their overall lifestyle.
Encourage family responsibilities. Make it clear that you support employees who value their time with family. Give them the opportunity to increase this time by working remotely, leaving early, or taking an extra day off.
How to Show Appreciation to Employees
Regardless of how you decide to show your appreciation, there are several steps you should follow to ensure you get the best results possible.
Know your team. Effective appreciation requires a sincere understanding of your employees. This doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with them, but it helps if you know a little about them. Figure out what they value and where their interests lie. Additionally, have a good grasp of what exactly your employees do and what makes them valuable to your team.
Choose an idea. As you can see, there are many different ways you can recognize your employees and show your appreciation. Pick an idea that is appropriate, which means:
It is something your employees will value.
It is respectful and inclusive.
It has reasonable access to resources.
From this, you can gather a multitude of ideas that match the impact you want to have on your employees.
Get feedback. Don’t just assume your staff will respond positively to your employee appreciation ideas. Use their input before and after to gauge what works best for your team.
Stay consistent but not stagnant. Although some acts of appreciation never get old, such as a simple thank you note, many others can lose their meaning if you start to make them routine and predictable. Persist in your desire to recognize employees and be fair in your means, but keep your team feeling valued with fresh ideas.
Employee Appreciation Tips
Employee recognition is important but not always easy. Consider the following tips to help you make the most of your employee appreciation:
Be authentic and sincere. The best appreciation is the one that comes from the heart. When employee appreciation events come across as forced or insincere, they can have the opposite effect of what you want.
Ask for input from your staff. Don’t just assume your ideas will work. Get the thoughts of your employees to see what would work best. That being said, as a leader, don’t be afraid to make a judgment call if you lack feedback.
Be fair, reasonable, and transparent. A lot of ways to recognize and appreciate employees risk biasing one employee over another. Make sure that your ideas reflect an objective approach. For example, if you plan to reward someone with a bonus, tie it to quantifiable acts that others can similarly achieve.
Play to the interests of your employees. You can show how much you appreciate your employees if you provide them with something that speaks directly to their own interests.
Keep it fresh. Don’t let your ideas stagnate; otherwise, employees will feel like you are just going through the motions. Always look for new ways to recognize their work.
Keep it appropriate. Some ways to recognize and appreciate employers will be a better fit for your company than others. This is why it is important to get input from your employees, so you don’t make assumptions that have the opposite effect than you intend.
Sometimes light, sometimes formal. Not all forms of appreciation have to be a big deal. A simple spread of food or a thank you note can sometimes be just as effective as an employee retreat planned months in advance.
Why Employee Appreciation Is Important
Recognizing and appreciating your employees is important for several reasons. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it also:
Makes employees feel valued. Your appreciation confirms that the time and energy of your employees are important. It gives value to their work that a benefits and compensation package can’t provide.
Builds trust. When you make an effort to recognize your employees, especially in public, it reflects the support you offer, which gives your employees a reason to trust you.
Increased job satisfaction. An employee who feels appreciated for their work will find more meaning in their effort.
Increased morale. Acts of appreciation give a boost to employee morale, especially if you do something that means a lot to them.
Increased engagement. With increased satisfaction and trust comes increased engagement. This is because employees will be more willing to invest their time and energy if they know their value is recognized.
Increased retention. More engaged employees are more likely to stay at their jobs. Consider this during tough times at your company. Go the extra mile and show your appreciation to reduce turnover.
Higher levels of productivity. Engaged employees are more productive than apathetic or hostile ones. When an employee knows their work is appreciated, they are more likely to put in the extra effort.
Creates constructive relationships. This is true among employees and between employees and their employers. Recognition and appreciation are fundamental to any healthy work relationship.
Employee Appreciation FAQ
When Is Employee Appreciation Day?
Employee Appreciation Day is Friday, March 3, 2023. Every year, Employee Appreciation Day is on the first Friday of March. The day was created by Dr. Bob Nelson, a founding member of Recognition Professionals International, to promote the positive benefits of employee appreciation. Though it is not an official holiday, it is growing in popularity across U.S. businesses.
What are the most creative employee recognition ideas?
Some of the more creative employee recognition ideas include:
Providing resources for your employees’ hobbies.
Sending a thank you note by mail.
Being an assistant for them for a day.
What are the three C’s of employee engagement?
The three C’s of employee engagement are compensation, career path, and culture. Compensation includes raises and bonuses, as well as benefits such as health coverage, retirement plans, and PTO.
Providing sufficient compensation is crucial to employee engagement because many employees work to meet financial needs. That being said, many employees also work to pursue a career path. Offering support, guidance, and resources strengthens an employee’s commitment to their job because it becomes an investment into their future success.
Culture is a part of employee engagement because a healthy culture is more inviting, while a toxic culture results in apathy or hostility.
How do you keep your employees motivated?
Keep your employees motivated by fulfilling their values, needs, and desires. Employees who feel like their work has meaning or value are more likely to be motivated. Find out what it takes to provide this and align it with your organization’s own values and needs.
This will be especially effective if you help them achieve a sense of agency, competency, and belonging, which are the three pillars of Self-Determination Theory, a psychological framework for what drives motivation.
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